So a while ago I received a ban on r/asmongold subbredit, The ban was unjustified and the reason for it was that I wrote a comment saying that it’s unfair for a streamer to ban people from their chat for simply disagreeing with their opinions.
That post got upvoted into oblivion then Asmongold himself reacted to it on stream (there’s a video on his channel with him literally reading my comment, I can provide proof of what I’m saying).
The next day I was banned from the subbreddit, at first I was confused but then, when I tried to login to my 2017 reddit account I was banned again for ‘‘Ban Evasion’’, then followed with Literally a Ban spree on every single reddit account I had, some of them are old reddit accounts that has nothing to do with r/asmongold, I used them in the past to get tips and guides for games I used to play and forgot they even exist until I received an email saying that I was banned on those accounts…
And this is all bcs one streamer who can’t take criticism and his twitch/reddit mods that are clearly corrupt, And now I’m banned from the entire reddit bcs I disagreed with Asmongold, That’s without even mentioning that he went too far and got himself Suspended from twitch, content creators like this are everything wrong with today’s internet.
So I decided to never Reddit ever again, it’s literally the embodiment of everything wrong with the internet.
Goodbye Reddit. Getting rid of Google itself is my next big end of the year goal.
Edit : Looks like I’m suddenly getting downvoted, Welcome to Lemmy guys.
Edit 2 : I will be moving on from this thread guys, all I wanted is to expose the hypocrisy that is happening on reddit, and btw I have succeeded in evading my ban, I closed my reddit account when I wrote this post. thanks everyone for replying.
Asmongold is not worth anyone’s time, hes an example of what is wrong in society in 2024.
Agreed. Asmongold is a dumbfuck and his editor is a nazi. OP getting banned from his community really isn’t something to be upset about.
Youbgave any info on the editor, obviously I’ve seen how he orders the videos on youtube, bu beyond that?
Just what I’ve heard from other people tbh.
I dont doubt it tbh
all that asmongold sub does is complain about women, dei/woke in video games and dumb twitter drama, barely anything about the man himself til just recently. You can’t argue those people man, they’re feral
deleted by creator
Reddit is permanently banning A LOT of ‘undesirable’ users right now.
They’re doing us a favor to stop using it, the internet should not be reduced to social media websites and apps, I existed on the internet since 2004, I still have my hotmail email, I witnessed the rise and fall of myspace, so yeah… it’s usually how it goes, when you see a website acting like this just know its about time, it happened with facebook not too long ago and now it’s happening to reddit.
You never should’ve given asmongold anything of yours (time, effort, comments, whatever). The guy’s absolutely fucking filthy and disgusting. Literally.
Apparently the dude never showers, never cleans anything, the house he lives in is worse than a pigsty. He smeared blood from his bleeding gums on the wall in his bedroom so he wouldn’t have to get up in the night to deal with it. he’s left dead rats sitting where they are on the floor until they just totally decompose into the floor.
And his gums are bleeding because he literally never eats anything other than junk food and soda.
Apparently his mom raised him to be like this (in the house tour video he said when he was a kid they would just get a new trash can whenever the previous one would fill up), and when she died a couple years ago I guess he just got even worse in his depression. The dude is literally wallowing in his own filth, it’s just depressing to see.
And he’s never seen fruit unless it was in a picture book or something. There’s a video on another channel where he tastes different fruits for the first time in his life and he’s shocked to find out that apples can come in colors other than red, and he almost throws up from eating any of the fruit. It’s just fucking sad, and I’m appalled that anyone can look up to someone like that in any capacity whatsoever. I’ve seen comments online that say “yeah he’s disgusting and a bigoted piece of shit, but he’s knowledgeable about video games.” Like he knows what it takes to make a game just because that’s all he fucking does.
That’s the story he wants people to believe, Believe me I’ve been to places where people don’t shower, You can’t tell me a multi millionaire doesn’t know what soap is for, I can’t believe people believe every story he tells them on stream… and also, If you google ‘‘Vertual Exchange’’ you will find his facebook page from 2014, the guy know’s what he’s doing… That asmongold character is just an online persona, we actually don’t know who Zack is in real life.
If you became a millionaire by being a greasy and u unhygienic slimeball, why would you change?
He became famous for grinding WoW 18 hours a day, every day
I think you left the part out where you went back to /asmongold with your 2017 account to complain.
That’s usually the metric that triggers the bots.
Well, it being reddit I wouldn’t count out it being programmed so sloppy that it’s banning for simply logging in.
I’m most surprised that you assumed you wouldn’t get banned in the first place. Commenting there is no difference to commenting on his streams. I don’t get why people watch this asshole anyway.
Yeah, OP is full of shit. They’re coming here to complain, no way they didn’t complain over there. And that rule has been steadfast for probably the whole 14+ years I’ve been over there, and honestly has been a rule on any (good) forum I’ve participated in in the past nearly 25 years. If you get suspended, you do not come back with another account and post about it.
Gets banned on one subreddit
Evades ban
Gets banned from reddit for ban evasion
pikachu face
Complains on Lemmy how this is all reddit’s fault
Sorry mate, this one’s on you 🤷♀️
Not to mention that sub is a cesspool and the streamer is a racist bitch
The reason for the ban is still stupid though.
True but ban evasion is ban evasion. It’s necessary because toxic cunts can always spawn more alts and banning would be negated. Same on Lemmy. OP is finding out and this whole thread is just cope
It’s also worth noting that they don’t permma-ban on the first instance of evasion, they just suspend you. He had to have done this multiple times.
I was banned on r/Asmongold, the ban was an overreaction by some asmongold moderator, the reason is unjustified. There was no breaking rules of reddit, just me saying something that upset them and they banned me, typical reddit mods behavior.
Parasocial relationship problems. 🤷
Streamers spend years farming parasocials, asking for subs and donations until they become filthy rich, then proceeds to call everyone who watch their stream regularly a loser… Rest assured brother I do have a life outside of the internet. Stop letting streamers and content creators alter the way you use the internet.
Buddy, you’re saying that you’re going to quit using reddit because a streamer was mean to you, but please tell me how a streamer isn’t altering the way you use the internet.
Welcome to Lemmy. State your political and ideological affiliations and I will point you to a place you maybe won’t get banned.
Aside from your choice to combat someone you perceive as wrong online in their own arena of sycophants. How many fucking Reddit account do you need? I’m pretty sure having more than one is against ToS. I could understand if you had a main account and an alt account for saying shit you feel ashamed of, but you literally make it out like you had dozens. That’s pretty damn weird.
As I stated in my post, my other accounts are accounts I used in the past, these accounts are linked to the same gmail so when my account got banned, I tried login in with the others which resulted in them being instantly banned, I do not use alt account for ‘‘Ban Evasion’’ … I don’t even post that much, It was a comment on r/Asmongold that started it, I have a video on youtube if you want me to link it to you. My theory of what happened is that it seems like bro couldn’t handle his audience turning against him, He told his Mods to ban everyone who commented on that specific post, that’s just my own understanding of the situation, otherwise why would I be banned ??
That’s because the reddit admin ran by 🫏. That’s why.