Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.
I’m cutting you both off. You’ve had enough.
Ok the gun fight comment got me! You win, good sir!
That second pic had to be in Maryland, right?
Phillips Seafood, Baltimore Crab Deck.
Crabs == Maryland!
That’s a whole fucking meal.
No shit? That’s a whole-ass mf chicken on there?
This is not helping treat my hangover.
I’d be fucking pissed if they put meat in my cocktail
What’s that plastic thing?
Kinda looks like the bulb of a disposable eyedropper. Don’t know why, though.
Tampon packaging
Bloody lol
It’s called a Pipette
The fact that it’s in a cocktail is equally mystifying to me.
Thanks, I hate this.
Fortunately, the drink was pretty good.
Is that a pipette?
Sort of? It’s a mini-baster with some Worcestershire in it. Waitress said enough customers don’t like it that they just use that. I, personally like it in there.
Sorry but that looks disgusting.
They’re not for everybody.
Why do people like these?
I go through phases. Like someone else said, a Bloody Mary is a meal in a glass. It’s really different from most cocktails. I also like a Bloody Caesar, but my family calls it a Clam Digger.
Makes for great instagram pics
They will save your life when you’re brutally hung over
I thought that was cranberry juice?
I thought we, as a society, were over this ridiculous “drinking from jars” phase.
What’s wrong with drinking from jars?
I’m not a fan of it either. The rims are too thick to pick up the salt, and there’s not enough diameter to get enough salt for the whole drink. Plus, the curve from the jar to the rim makes it hard to get all of the drink without getting hit in the face by the remaining ice. Just a terrible cocktail glass.
Edit: I meant to say, “There was a phase and I missed my one chance to be cool?!”
Phase? I grew up poor AF, so it was either jars or beat-up, cast-off Tupperware cups, and I always hated the feel of putting plastic to my mouth. Now that I’m grown (definitely not grown-up, though) and actually able to afford excellent glassware, jars are just a great way to reduce and reuse. I’m all about multiuse items, and jars are one of my favorites.
Lots of things come in straight-sided jars which maximize volume stored with volume consumed. The jar comes with a sealing lid. They tend to be durable since they have to survive shipping. I can make a big cocktail or some great food to give to a friend without worrying if my container comes back. Yeah, I’m Team Jar all the way.
Why not just use the straw?
I don’t like using straws. Plus, it’s a salted rim - meant to pick up some salt when drinking the drink. Honestly, though, kind of surprised you’re the first person to point it out. I means, it’s right there in the picture!
Fair enough.
If you did like using straws you could just swipe some of the salt onto the rim of the straw.
When you need a full-on demolition crew just to get your drink on
I mean I thought that, but then the Canadians and Marylanders showed up with their freakish abominations!