Things have gotten better and progress has been made from times past, it just seems worse now because we have more access to information. We’ve come far, and have further to go!
Things have gotten better and progress has been made from times past, it just seems worse now because we have more access to information. We’ve come far, and have further to go!
Also, significantly less dead babies increasing average lifespan is a very happy way to boost that number
I think we can all agree to that.
*fewer dead babies
The less/fewer distinction is arbitrary Victorian bullshit flying directly in the face of how English is used. The only point of it was to try and make English more like Latin and allow aristocrats who spoke Latin to look down on those without expensive private education.
Please dont perpetuate it.
There’s no need to make shit up.
I do beg your pardon, it was Georgian not Victorian era when this nonsense was dreamed up for no reason other than preference for trying to cram Latin-esque cases into english.
The wiki article on it notes that
i.e. it is a shibboleth for saying “I am educated unlike you uncultured lot who use natural sounding language”
Yeah, people who learn and understand language are the worst
You cant say “the worst” when talking about an uncountable group, you have to say “the least good” because I prefer that and it makes me sound smart by correcting you. Apparently that is sufficient for it to be understanding language and for you to be wrong.
Most people thank me for the little correction and just go about their day without being a total asshole.
Really most people thank you for being an annoying pedant who isnt even correct?