Giants: Citizen Kabuto had base-building and Asymmetrical Multiplayer combat along with a well-told and humorous single player campaign.
This game ruled. There’s no way that such a fractured, insane mess of a design should ever have worked, but somehow it did. Also, genuinely funny.
Absolutely! What a wonderful game.
This game was so bonkers, they don’t make them like this anymore. Though, they didn’t really make them like that then either.
Yeah this game is absolutely one of a kind. Nothing else like it. Really funny too, with great voice acting and a wacky story!
OI, IT’S TOO HIGH UP TO REACH gestures to mesa
That game is so good I’d play it more if it wasn’t hampers by extremely annoying controls. Especially the last phase, so frustrating!
It’s like three different games in one!
I genuinely skipped it because the name was complete gibberish and signified nothing.
So many trash games around then, not worth risking you precious teenager money on something that wasn’t a sure thing.
I remember getting a demo of this game on a CD in a computer magazine. I thought it was super weird and the controls were impossible to figure out.
As a pubescent teenager at the time, the main thing I remember is the pre-hot-coffee controversy.
We deleted a file that deleted the top, didn’t we?
(For the sake of the art ofc)
Sounds about right to me.
I remember loving everything about this game except the name and the controls; truly baffling decisions there, haha.
That’s some awesome 2000s coverart! I want to give it a try now, I love shooters.
Edit: Shiny Entertainment guys made this? Now I definitely want to play it!
If there was ever a game that needs a remaster, it’s Citizen Kabuto. I need another playthrough. It has a great polish dubbing
Jeez, if that’s Kabuto I’d hate to see Kabutops!