Great until it grabs some skin or hair
Have you ever worn chainmail without an undershirt? Or gambeson? It feels neat at first. Never had to worry about pinching. It didn’t grab any hair. The metal will feel cool and smooth all night. But oh Lord, the awful pain it will bring to unprotected virgin nipples. Like surfing for a hundred years without a rash guard all in one hedonistic night concentrated on the area less than two dimes. NEVER AGAIN. A couple bandaids or pasties the next time and all is good.
I think you’ll be fine with just a top sheet between you and the chainmail.
So what you’re saying is, he needs to add nipple holes!
Inverse chainmail bikini
This explains the lesser known war cry of
“Don’t fire until you see the pink of their nips”
ill buzz my entire body for the heatsinking properties of aluminium, on this infernal heat
And cover your nipples with bandages.
sleeps in the nude
Nutsack gets pinched
Everyone knows you’re supposed to wear a gambeson beneath your chainmail. Leather or padded cloth is best.
Ergo, full body gimp suit before bed
I’m so very scared. Help.
Prevents some forms of murder!
Assassin shows up like. Bro whatthefuck is this?
Never worry about Nazgûl again!
That’s when you drip some poison into their ear.
You got Mail
And unlike most kinds of chain mail, this one is also effective at protecting the user from any thrusting attacks that could lead to penetration.
Some of us are into penetration
You aren’t?
They make loosely braided weighted blankets. They won’t be as cool as this, but they allow for plenty of weight while still maintaining good airflow. And a far lower risk of scrotum/labia/nipple tragedy.
Any of those would make a great band name.
Wait holy shit you’re right:
Risk of Scrotum
Risk of Labia
Risk of Nipple
Scrotum Tragedy
Labia Tragedy
Nipple Tragedy
Far Lower Scrotum
Far Lower Labia
Far Lower Nipple (uh?)
Lower Scrotum Tragedy
Lower Labia Tragedy
Lower Nipple Tragedy (ok, idk who had a lower Nipple but it’s weird that it’s in the list twice)
Lower Risk Scrotum
Lower Risk Labia
Lower Risk Nipple
Shit, this might be the biggest combo of band names in a single sentence I’ve ever seen
Far Lower Nipple (uh?)
That’s the clitoris I think
I’d be more interested in this for the weight. I want more weighted blanket than I can usually find, and I’m guessing this is heavier than that.
My wife loves hers and hasn’t experienced any of the aforementioned tragedies… So far.
What kind of classic tragedies do you like?
I love those! I had bought one with the pockets of beads and hated it, but the braided one is much better. I’ve had mine for a few years now, and it’s still hanging in there.
Bros 'tism yearns for the smithy
Rash city for me.
Yeah my pubes would get stuck in there too lol ouch
Buy a razor… There is no way your pubes are better than that chain mesh.
That’s rash city, Jake, rash city!
Do you have an aluminum allergy? I have a nickel allergy, aluminum is something I can usually count on to be safe since it’s not usually alloyed with nickel.
It’s a mild one, but extended contact like that would be very irritating.
Seems like you would want to use stainless steel instead of aluminum if you’re going for weight.
Edit: Yes I realize there are better conductors of heat but for the sake of using corrosion resistant welding materials I went with stainless.
Stainless is an insulator of heat. In fact, it’s used in 3D printers to avoid heat traveling up the path where the filament is fed in from.
Copper with a silver or rhodium plating would be a good choice otherwise. Copper has a higher thermal conductivity than aluminum, and silver does as well, but is also hypoallergenic.
I wouldn’t call it an insulator but it is a poor conductor of heat compared to aluminum. I think in this situation either one would be capable of dissipating heat better than just about any blanket.
You would be wrong in not calling it an insulator. Sorry.
Feel free to look at the chart linked above and compare to almost any other common metal.
Air has a thermal conductivity of 0.028 W/(mK)
Copper, around 413 W/(mK)
Stainless is 14 W/(m*K)In so far as metals go, stainless is a heat insulator.
Right, like I said a poor thermal conductivity but as far as blankets go, you won’t find anyone attempting to get warm with chainmail because it would unfortunately result in an increased loss of body heat. In so far as blankets go, not an insulator.
Also worth mentioning I was trying to stay in the real of possibilities and this case stainless wire is readily available in many forms for welding, and would resist oxidation better than copper. Obviously we can just name the best conductors of heat.
Copper wouldn’t be difficult to plate in silver; you can buy plating solutions pretty easily, enough to plate a blanket easily. Copper is also incredibly easy to get, and not only has the highest thermal conductivity but also the highest weight as well. (of malleable metals at least; tungsten beats it out weight wise, but couldn’t be easily formed)
Stainless also work hardens much faster than copper. Much bending at all and it starts to fracture. It wouldn’t last long as a blanket - though there are ways around that, such as how you make the blanket; chainmail, etc.
Copper can be thin enough, and malleable enough to be woven like a standard fabric as well, resulting in a ‘softer’ feeling.
In fact, they already make the stuff:
They make Stainless too - but it only consists of 30% conductive material.
Lol. At this point you’re just completely off the rails.
Silver would just bend though as it would be too malleable on its own
If weight is the only thing you care about, then sure. The only problem is even normal weighted blankets can be an absolute furnace in the summer.
Fuck, now I want to get into making chainmail. Time to pick up another hobby I guess.
Careful, from what I hear its an incredibly time consuming one
It’s like knitting but for MEN™.
~/s obviously~
Coming in scents like “PRIMEVAL GRIME” and “WOODCHIPPER”
Primeval Grime is my favorite music genre.
Also Pinterest aesthetic
That’s an understatement.
If anyone does want to get into it, don’t do steel. Steel is cheap as shit, but you’ll get carpal tunnel before you finish your first bag, belt or tie.
Idk if you can get like 16 gauge aluminum wire, but that would be far easier to work with. Or brass. just don’t do steel
Is this how those people ended up with random piercings/earrings all over their body? Like Xerxes in 300.
Oh fuck I was just thinking about how to solve my need for a heavy blanket while not constantly overheating and waking up.
What about sound?
He wakes everyone within a hundred foot radius every time he tosses & turns
Earplugs were a game changer for my sleep.
Ow my leg hair ow my back hair ow my arm hair.