Currently I possess 3 :
Sony HX350 Bridge Camera - My first ever camera!
Nikon EM Series 1979 - Passed down from my uncle who was clearing some bits and bobs out his garage.
Nikon D5600 DSLR - I didn’t want to break the bank and got this one on a good sale (And I like the Nikon UI for the camera more than the Sony one)
I enjoy taking two types of photographs :
Portraits of people outdoors and indoors - SoSometimes for a new profile picture.
Animals - I enjoy taking photographs birds, squirrels, zoo animals and my cat whenever he’s in a good striking pose.
What about you? Are you into photography as a hobby or profession?
Canon EOS 40D - oldie but goodie, hobby, landscape, events and some portraiture
The crappy one in my Motorola g84, and anything fairly close with good lighting.
I do have a second generation Sony Mavica though - one that takes floppy disks.
I picked up one of those Mavicas in a car boot sale years ago, its remarkable how far things have come.
A Nikon D3200 I’ve had for year I like using for nice landscape pictures and portraits but I used to use it as just my ‘everything’ camera - a role now taken by my phone.
Sony Cybershot DSC-W12. This was my first digital camera and used to go absolutely everywhere with me. These days it still gets used but purely as an underwater camera for scuba diving as I have an underwater case for it.
Olympus E-M1 and I’ve basically just keep my 40-150 2.8 on it. I like to catch wildlife but it’s just useful to have since the range is not easily achievable by cell phones yet.
My first camera was a Voigtländer Vito 2, don’t know the exact age but it’s from the 1950s. My grandmother gave it to me when I expressed interest in film photography, she said she hadn’t touched it in decades so I might as well have it. As soon as I put a roll through it and got the photos back, I was hooked. Even though most of the pictures were underexposed, I knew I wanted to keep shooting film.
After talking to my uncle about this, he rooted around in his closet and gave me my second camera: a Pentax K1000. Super chunky and heavy compared to the Voigtländer, so I felt more confident taking it with me places without breaking it.
I just picked up a third, a Nikon FE along with some telephoto lenses. I haven’t put a roll through it yet, but I’m excited to try.
And usually just take pictures of things at work as a note taking method.
I have a Hasselblad 500 and I like to fill the whole frame with interesting architecture at odd angles. 1920s and 30s art deco is especially good to photograph.
sony a7siii.
I’m a pro videographer. my favorite subject is wildlife.
the a7siii still blows me away with its lowlight performance. i can shoot with my big 150-500 for almost an hour before sunrise and after sunset. - my personal website.
Fujifilm X100F, cat pictures. ‘Street’, and holiday snaps.
My main digital system is a Canon M6 MKII.
But I am a camera collector, so I have somewhere around 200 film & digital cameras. (I am behind on updating my inventory app, so I don’t know the exact current number.)
I am an opportunistic photographer who takes photos of anything that catches my eye. But I do a lot of macro nature work, and general abstract photography.