• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • haha, that’s why I’ve put almost 10 hours into it.

    i suspect most mini games start to show their problems and biases when you spend 10 hours playing then lol. like, gwent was sick, but it really was just about stacking the most strong cards intoa single deck as you could.

    caravan though… that was a great damn mini game. the interactive and believable element of needing to go around and collect old world playing cards to build out your deck did a lot to extend the game into the broader world. more than that though, it’s a genuinely playable and relatively balanced game. i happened to have a lot of incomplete card decks lying around when i grew up. eventually i repurposed those into one big deck that would get split in half to play with people irl and a randomized deck. only fantasy card game I’ve ever been able to recreate and play at home without buying anything. and it even played pretty well.

  • because it feels off balance.

    the level of the horizon is a key part of composition. it effects comfort, balance, and groundedness. when the horizon is not level it will feel disorienting, dizzy, or chaotic. yes, you can break compositional rules for artistic effect, but you need to learn the rules and why they matter before you can do so effectively. the example you posted below doesn’t really make your case. it’s not that great of a photo, rotated or not. to intentionally rotate the horizon to give it an uncomfortable or disorienting feeling is fine if that’s the goal hell, maybe it’s more to feel otherworldly or any other number of things you can derive from it. the point is that you need a reason and intent behind the unlevel horizon. what feeling were you trying to invoke by not having the ground beneath the feet of the viewer?

  • i never said they were as bad as America lol. why do you have to go so far out of your way to defend two of three largest and most antagonistic countries in the world. they all suck, splitting hairs about degrees of evil isn’t worth the time.

    don’t be expansionist.

    don’t be imperialist.

    don’t hate people for how they were born.

    don’t antagonize ethnic minorities.

    all three countries are failing at more than one of these right now. they all suck.

    they really don’t need the help either…

  • i moved to .world from .ml because of the annoying ass tankies. it’s not what they were saying that annoyed me it was their attitude. they acted like 14 years olds that just discovered atheism and think everyone else on the Internet is Catholic.

    but also, the intense defense is Russia and China was pretty dumb. i get hating America. that’s fair and valid, but to do so while pretending that these other imperialistic super powers don’t also suck is pure denialism.

  • sure, but like 90% of the porn on there is just to funnel people into the creators only fans these days. this could be good for those users. if they offer better terms with a lower cut than only fans i could see it taking off. there’s no discoverablility on only fans. they basically have to advertise elsewhere. and no one wants to go to a whole different website to make a whole different account when they’re already mid jerk. additionally, not many people will go to a porn site to make an account if they aren’t already looking to get off. removing that barrier for people that already have payment info on Reddit could turn it into a 1 click transaction. something that people can impulse purchase with their horny brain before the real brain catches up. if this takes off well enough they could take a lot of only fans’ customer base.

    i don’t really like it, but it makes some amount of sense. personally, i think the quality of the porn on Reddit has done down almost perfectly in line with the rise of only fans. this would only serve to make it worse. Internet porn was at its best when it wasn’t monetized and the people making it were doing it because they felt like it and it probably got them off. now it’s just a job for most of them. a job that they often get real sick of real quick when they realize the amount of work, organization, and maintenance it requires to actually be successful on the platform. people that just did it for the love of strangers seeing them have sex didn’t have those burdens and could just upload what they wanted when they wanted. i guess it’s just like any art. it’s better when it’s not commercialized.

    on the other other hand, i do think only fans and the democratization of the porn industry has been good for creators. the porn industry was exploitative and very unhealthy for the actors. they often did meth and downed copious amounts of boner pills to make it through long shoot days with numerous angles and shots. but idk… i never liked that kind of studio porn anyway. it’s just annoying that the replacement for it, which i also don’t typically like has taken over so much of the amateur space.

    shit sorry… this became about the porn industry as a whole… i have many opinions on it because I used to work in the paid porn industry on the broadcast maintenance side. but yeah, this Reddit thing could work out if they don’t completely fuck it up.

  • there’s a handful of general directions you could go with both camera and mic then.

    you could get a mic that plugs directly into the camera, but then you’ll be tethered. to it. you can get a mic that plugs into a little recorder, but you’ll need to sync your audio. you can get a wireless mic with a receiver that plugs into the camera, but that starts to get expensive. or a number of different options that can run things however you want. the most affordable option to start and remain convenient in my mind is a mic and a cheap recorder.

    something like a used one of these with a cheap lav mic could be a good option.

    as for camera, there’s two main paths. you could go mirrorless and get something more like the canon you already had, or you could get an actual camcorder.

    a mirrorless camera will give you the option of different lenses and will have a larger sensor. it will also allow you to shoot nice stills and give you room to grow. it will generally have a higher potential for better quality video in the long run, but will be harder to learn and use. I think you’d be well served by a micro 4/3rds camera. a used Panasonic gh4 can be had for around $300. that would be able to provide some fantastic quality for the price. it’ll also be able to use any m4/3 lenses out there. they have a standard mount used by all such cameras. Panasonic is generally the more video focused brand in the space. a larger sensor with give you shallower depth of field, but that’s not as necessary as many like to think you the kinds of content you’re looking to produce.

    the camcorder will be a much more streamlined out of the box solution. if you want something that will just work and be versatile without needing to spend money on additional hardware and learn all the ins and outs this will be a better option. it will likely have a highly versatile zoom lens and should still shoot plenty high enough quality for some simple explainer videos. it’s the less popular option these days, but I will think it has its place. I’m less familiar with these but I’m sure you can find a reasonable one with a little shopping around.

    what kind of budget are you thinking?

  • the lens is likely incompatible with newer hardware.

    I would recommend looking used. you can get a few generations old micro 4/3rds camera for very cheap. let me look through options tonight when i get home and I’ll probably be able to find you something for under $200 that will shoot modern looking decent quality video.

    a mic to go with it would be very important. there’s so many ways to go about that.

    -you can get a cheap on cameras shotgun that will sound decent, but pick up a good amount of room noise. this will be the easiest to use option.

    -you could get a lavaliere of some kind, but that takes a second to set up and will require additional tools unless you want to tether yourself to the actual camera. there’s also options that plug in to a phone, but that would require a phone with a headphone jack…

    -you could get a usb stick mic to record voiceover after the fact. this would give the highest fidelity Audio bang for the buck, but is the most cumbersome to use.

    additionally, a light will go very far for making things look nicer. most homes are not set to to have good video lighting at all. you can totally get away with a cheap lamp that you bounce off the wall or something. as long as you don’t have a lightbulb directly shining on you creating hard shadows.

  • oh, i guess you’re right. they’re just a privately owned corporation. regardless of specific terminology the point stands. they aren’t publicly traded and certainly aren’t a megacorp. and i also don’t agree with evening they do. i generally like gog better.

    people are just always painting things like this with way too broad of a stroke. there’s a serious problem with conglomeration. Sony is a megacorp in the gaming space. a true megacorp that makes and has a gigantic hand in almost everything. from tvs to music to books to weapons of war. they exist solely to absorb wealth from any and all spaces they can. I’m real bummed about them acquiring kadokawa recently… it will not be good for games, anime, manga, or light novels.

    that is not valve. they are not part of that problem and this point is weakened by people saying that they are.

  • like… company or business. they’re not actually very big compared to true megacorporations. like Amazon and ge are megacorps. they make many many things across thousands of facilities with millions of employees. you cannot live in modern society without encountering them. be it amazon Web services or the light bulbs in the street lights outside. valve is just a company. they do one thing and do it well. there are alternatives that you can easily use. it is not hard to avoid them as a company and most people don’t actually use steam. sure, most Western pc gamers do, but that’s a small percentage of the global population.

    valve is just a company. not even an especially large one. not every successful business is a megacorp. some aren’t even that bad. the world is shades of grey, some big businesses are much much less bad than others. valve doesn’t do much harm. megacorporations always do.

  • that’s probably because it’s not a megacorp, but a private company owned by a single person. not a corporation at all.

    there’s a big difference. a corporation is owned by a board of investors. those companies are legally obligated to provide maximum return for their investors. corporations have been sued for being “too charitable to their customers” rather than maximize profits. a private company can do whatever it wants at the whims of it’s owner. in this case Gabe Newell actually kind of wants to create a decent experience because that’s what he believes has created their market dominance. he’s right.

    corporations like Ubisoft and ea are legally obligated to squeeze you for every penny in their platforms.