if usually short-lasting, high, but long-term use can lead to complications like brain damage
Are they talking about Tik Tok?
No, this is less harmful than TikTok.
6 or 1/2 dozen really.
This is exactly where my mind went. Thank you stranger
As usual for the type of screeching and breathless hit piece that these types of things inevitably become, it seems that two very distinct things are being conflated here in a probably deliberate attempt to make them appear equivalent.
The headline image shows a bunch of nitrous oxide cartridges or “whippets” discarded on the ground, and there is one lonely mention of nitrous down at the very bottom of the article. The article puts a lot of scary words around “inhalants” but stops short of defining which ones they’re actually talking about, and I’m guessing (having not watched any of the TikTok videos nor do I intend to) that nitrous is not the actual, or at least only, concern here. Either that or they’re trying hard to imply that nitrous fries your brain as much as huffing, say, tetrafluoroethane.
Doing nitrous (or whippets, or hippie crack, or laughing gas, or whatever you want to call it this decade) is neither new, nor is it particularly harmful provided you can manage not to do it in such a moronic way that you asphyxiate yourself or pathologically huff the stuff at the edge of high precipices or while driving or something.
Inhaling propellant gasses from aerosol cans, meanwhile, i.e. the usual sort of “huffing,” is monumentally stupid and also a fast track to permanent brain damage.
Just make sure you’re packin’ the right kind of chrome, choom.
Yay real information
The newest TikTok trend and thus drug problem seems to be centered around galaxy gas. And they seem to know what they’re doing:
I don’t understand tiktok. Last trend i heard about was people cheating banks to get free money (aka fraud) and now they’re doing inhalants as a trend? How many brain cells does the average tik toker have?
Yes i know my age is showing. Get off my lawn!
No we are just going back 20 years for fashion trends, make everything chrome. Spray chrome can be inhaled is whats happening
before tiktok we had to rely on our friends sketchy older brother to tell us new ways to get high.
Same as it ever was.
TikTok is an app that’s not completely controlled by YTs. So we should expect to see a bunch of sensational headlines demonizing the company until it gets banned.
Jesus fucking christ, what even are we anymore man?
Chimps. We have always been chimps. We are returning to monke
N2O is pretty awesome.
Right up until you suddenly die of a brain aneurysm because your dumbass thought it was a safe legal high. There is nothing awesome about that.
Getting strong “MTV made my child addicted to the devils lettuce” vibes from these comments
From the article:
The scientists analyzed 109 chroming-related videos on the social media platform that collectively had over 25 million views.
Billion user platform that’s popular with young people has young people interested in easy to get drugs. Won’t someone think of the children
I mean… that’s a problem, isn’t it? That it’s getting them into inhalants?
I assume you are not popular at parties. 😁
Edit: oh god, you’re the dude with 50,000 comments in like a year. Nevermind.
I don’t tend to go to parties where children are using inhalants, and you’re right, I probably wouldn’t be popular there.
Chroming is just nitrous oxide?
That seems like a silly name.
Gains popularity? I’ve been seeing hundreds of those things discarded around the schools for years now
Thanks ticktock for making nitrous expensive again. My nitro coffee maker is too expensive to use again.
Nitrous is the same price near me as it’s been for 15 years, but now I can get big tanks instead of small canisters!
How much is it per cup?
Wait, that’s a machine a regular person can get? I love nitro coffee!
Edit: I see nitro cartridges $3-$5/each. How many cups will one cartridge make? Are they hard to get?
Great. A generation of Charlie Kellys.
Yes yes we all know the kids are shonking t-nubs or whatever, what else is new
Back in my day we called it wippits obviously others not me.
How about don’t let your kids on a shitty social media platform to begin with. Besides it being a farm for data for the Chinese, it’s been shown via various studies the platform is like crack for your dopamine system.
We all know how teenagers always listen to their parents and never find ways to use technology without their parents knowing.
I sure wasn’t dialing up to BBSes at 3am after my parents grounded me from using my modem. Nosir.
Just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s not worth the effort.
I would say that most teens would find getting on one of the most popular teen spaces on the internet, which their friends are almost certainly using, worth the effort.
I was forbidden from having a MySpace account. It didn’t stop me.