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I’ll take the grape ones if you don’t want them.
Particularly Pixie Stix. Grape’s the best flavor of those.
Whatever these orange “peanuts” are
Ah, the texture of fine styrofoam and the flavor of nearly extinct fruit shaped like a cartoon depiction of the least memorable circus snack. Truly a champion among sweets.
they taste like disappointment.
That’s the taste of shortsighted capitalists driving a species to near extinction in pursuit of a profit!
Some iffy candidates:
- root beer
- black licorice
- grape
Root beer barrels come to mind. Obviously black licorice has it’s own candy. Usually I see grape flavored fun dip and pop rocks
I liked root beer barrels but haven’t seen them in decades.
Depending where you’re at in the US, Huck’s gas stations have them
Licorice jelly beans and gum drops are somewhat popular.
I guess I took the question differently. If it’s a flavor sold by itself, it is the star of that candy
Makes sense.
Sour apple 🍏
Yes. Orange never the star. Especially in jellies/chews.
White jelly beans. I like them, but I have never heard anyone ever say it was their favorite.
Grape. When I am eating Skittles they are consistently the last remaining ones in the bag…
Mix the grape and lime together… excellence!