Am I the only one surprised there were even that many in the first place?
I can’t believe you’ve never heard of Zoogle, Bokia, Pamsung, ACKOOO, ACKOOO2², Votorola…
Don’t forget uPhone, GRE, Hawaii, Mulberry, Lentuvo, and Hitsubishi.
Chinese companies love the ACKOOO type names. LPOWERB, SUPERQ, FKPHONE, that kind of thing.
Who wouldn’t want to buy a Fuckphone?
Honestly if I was in the market for an achoo or a fuckhphone, I would totally buy a fuckphone
Most of them were not real manufacturers, but slapping their name on Chinese white brand phones.
Maybe they are counting all the times Microsoft launched a new brand of phone and then unceremoniously killed off about 6 months later?
HTC was truly a pioneer.
HTC is dead?
Deader’n a door nail.
The HTC Evo 3D was a bad ass!
If by that you mean bad and ass, I agree. The 3d wasn’t well supported it was pretty much just a worse version of the HTC Sensation at the time. I was always jealous of the Sensation, it was like the Nexus One’s big brother
That’s capitalism, baby! Thanks for playing!
*cries a lot in capitalism*
Well, yes, that’s how it works. What’s the problem? We should have 500 factories cranking out pollution and waste vs. the cream of the crop rising up?
I’m mocking the fact that the articles are often written in such a way that I should feel sorry for the companies that die, like how we killed the Diamond industry and the fashion industry and gasp the napkin industry
“Millenials are ruining the market again”
Market has skill issues.
The avocado toasts are killing companies.
Smartphones have reached a maturity level where upgrades aren’t really exciting. Sure there are the usual hardware power upgrades (and even those don’t really open up new applications), but in terms of features they’re not coming out with anything really novel. Last thing I could think of is bringing back folding which I do find appealing, but not for the cost or the reliability issues.
I want a phone with a built in projector… and a bigger battery… and something else I haven’t thought of yet.
I miss new features and innovation.
Since we have neither, give me modularization to let me have ^
RIP project ARA.
I hate that Google killed that project. Haken’s block phone is still a great concept that is now used for Framework laptops. I hope thats someone can start doing that for mobiles. Fairphone is OK, but still far from Haken’s idea.
That was the Motorola Moto Z series for ya, had pins on the back for modules to be attached. Some modules were a battery pack, jbl speaker, a projector, and even a little printer to have the phone work like a polaroid
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Also the LGG5 to a lesser extent. I had a chin module that acted as an extra battery and fine control for the camera.
I was just wiping my Force 2 the other day to install an unlocked OS and was impressed how much battery life that clip on pack gives it.
Without it the Force 2 was the slimmest phone on the market and with the pack on it just feels normal. Yet I can get like three days out of it, and I bought it in 2017.
We are heading towards a future of Apple, Samsung, and Google, with even the latter two struggling to stay afloat.
And to be fair, Google deserves a lot of the blame for this happening.
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Yes. But I think most importantly, Samsung can spin out budget phones and actually sell it. No one’s buying cheap Apple product. Currently mostly it is a status symbol… as most-if-not-all high end phones. Don’t get me wrong, great devices but we all know what kind of personalities mostly go for Apple stuff.
I pretty much go for the se models when they have them, and buy every 4-5 generations. Most people want a device that works, and most smart people want a device that’s going to get more than a couple years of software support. So Apple.
Google should have just spread Android features to 2, 3 years instead of as soon as possible, to match feature set of iOS. Then most Android would be getting easy 10 years of support. But then again most Android phone manufacturers selling a device, Apple is selling services and side products. Giving the die size of A16 SOC and quality hardware, Apple probably giving you their phones at cost and keeping them up to date so you can buy their other products.
Apple is making a profit on every piece of hardware, make no mistake. But that’s only possible because of their scale and focus, which is hard for competitors to compensate for. They literally bought all the 3nm chips for the next year.
Looks like Samsung and Apple trade off on leader of global market share, but Samsung is second place when it isn’t first.
Tell me you only live in an American bubble without telling me you live in an American bubble.
How much money do you think OEMs make off selling cheap Android phones?
Google, sure. But Samsung has more marketshare than Apple.
20% Samsung 17% Apple 12% Xiaomi 10% OPPO 8% Vivo
I’d doubt Samsung will be struggling to stay afloat. They’re so diversified they could pick one of their departments to throw money at and just run at a loss in perpetuity, if they felt like it. Apple makes phones, computers, and phone and computers accessories.
Samsung makes phones and computers. And appliances. And chips. And container ships.
Yea, was just talking about their phone lines, not them as a company.
Huawei and Honor can both survive purely on domestic sales before you even worry about ROW.
No idea why you think there are only three brands, or why you think the US is the only market that matters (it’s fairly obvious you are US based)
Absolutely nothing good came from them ending the Nexus program. I LOVED all the variety in Nexus. The Pixel phones are just shitty iPhone clones with barely better features.
I wouldn’t even say better features. This will be my last Pixel. I’m tired of Google just not maintaining their products at all.
apple & china robbed us of so much, if you’re a gadget guy.
i had sony phones, laptops, palm pilots, panasonic bit and bobs.
i get that technology has advanced infinitely in the last 20 years, but we are on a very narrow path at the moment.
What did China have to do with any of this?
Cheap mass production of electronics largely based on existing designs
Sounds like you’re describing amazon
Wow. I can hardly name 50 brands, let alone 500.
They all did the same, without innovation there won’t be another big smartphone brand.
Somebody pls come along and make a phone with headphone jack, micro sd slot, and fingerprint sensor.
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I liked some of them. I still wonder how many were Amazon’s random relabeled crap like AIUEO.
I thought there were only 2 brands