What I can say? They all are great! Some are better than others, but still is very enjoyable, why there is so mixed reviews about it? I can understand some specific complains, but that dosen’t make it bad.
What I can say? They all are great! Some are better than others, but still is very enjoyable, why there is so mixed reviews about it? I can understand some specific complains, but that dosen’t make it bad.
I feel like that’s the Trek films in a nutshell - from a critic’s standpoint, they’re not necessarily all great, but they almost feel like long Star Trek episodes that you enjoy anyway.
Here’s my thoughts on each film:
Generations is one of my favorites. Frequently underrated, imo. I honestly might place it above First Contact but I love all of Gene’s children equally.
Generations is a fun movie, but I demand an edit where Picard uses the Nexus to go back and save his nephew from burning to death and then uses his foreknowledge to defeat Soren easily.
Why is it okay to go back to save millions of Veridians but not to save Remy and then the Veridians by extension? Either way you’re messing with the timeline. Soren already won.
I just watched First Contact again a few days ago, and I honestly don’t understand why it is the highest rated TNG movie. I didn’t think it was very good.
It is the best of a bad bunch. The TOS movies inspired the TNG movies. The TNG movies inspired a lull in the movies (no call for a DS9 or Voyager or Enterprise movie) that had to be filled with a reboot.
I honestly think Generations gets hated on more than it should because the Enterprise D is destroyed. People love that ship.
My sad take is that I felt like I noticed a shift in the opinions of fandom after that infamous Red Letter Media review in 2012. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love those reviews and think they’re hilarious, but a lot of Redditors (and Lemmy-ers) seemed to look at the Plinkett character as someone worth emulating instead of despising.
Shinzon was portrayed by Tom Hardy, which explains why that part was as well done as it possibly could have been.