Yo what’s going on with stroganoff
It’s a dish with beef in a creamy sauce, usually served on egg noodles
And it’s delicious
Well I for one don’t know because I haven’t been receiving my daily updates.
I’m also often stroganoff at that time.
Please only inform me if something big happens
How about something giant?
No, that’s ok.
For real. You get the urge, and you gotta get some egg noddles in ya.
I like my beef stroganoff slow with a tight grip
Hey pal, you do you
Different stroganoffs for different folganoffs
I feel like this is something a very specific kind of furry would say.
What the fuck was that baloney? Tomato slices, chunks of onion, mushrooms, and mystery meat boiled in milk… I feel like I’m taking crazy pills
And no fucking paprika!?
That is milk steak with veggies
Fuck I’m pissed now. Boutta make stroganoff really angrily about this
Is this the something big happened news I subscribed to