Shit I knew I forgot to do something today.
Shit I knew I forgot to do something today.
The “murder” portion is too small.
And why must the child-bot be so thicc?
Good thing I’ve got a built-in straw ;)
Bribe? I thought they called it lobbying in the US?
and others she say had infiltrated the protest
What’s this about?
Mmm yeah, that sweet sweet grind culture
I mean, a lot of what crypto has become is pretty Ponzi-ish. But yeah, he’s a bit deeper off the conspiracy cliff than that.
Only 90s kids will understand
Fine looking loaf in the background.
I don’t know what to do with this information.
These takes are colder than my dead mother.
I love mint chocolate chip ice cream, but I’ll admit that sometimes you get some low quality stuff that literally tastes like cold toothpaste.
Thank fucking god
Yeah it’s a joke - fahrenheit is what they’re making fun of, probably especially because it would be more appropriate to use celsius in the context of “world news”.
I guess a workaround for the guy posting the data (if he is forced to stop) would be to instead just post the distance traveled and CO2 emissions for every flight. That’s still shaming her for being an environmental asshole while avoiding issues with stalkers or whatever their defense is.
This still does not answer which ceasefire you’re referring to. Could refer to Ukraine, for example.
I am still “on X” because my account was banned and I literally cannot delete the account… because it’s banned.
But since I know that’s probably not the type of use you were referring to, I know others that still use it for scientific communications (e.g. announcing publications from their group and following those from others) and generally don’t care much or think about the fact that Elon is heading the platform.
shhhh just let it fappen.
lmao even the wii guy looks like the canister