Russia said the West was playing with fire by considering allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and cautioned the United States on Tuesday that World War Three would not be confined to Europe.
As someone who is very concerned about the escalation of this war into a possible global conflict, I can only say it seems like it would be a very wise and prudent move for Russia to withdraw all troops from Ukraine (including Crimea) immediately, in the name of peace.
It already is a global conflict.
why should we make them do that? Everyone knows that when we appeased the nazis and facists in the late 30s they became content peace loving people.
I agree, the only way we could deal with the nazis was to wipe them all out, hence Germany suddenly stops invading people all the time.
Time to start again.
WW3 is more likely to happen if Russia wins. If we show our bellies to Russia, China would move on Taiwan. If Ukraine wins, we kill two birds with one drone.
If Ukraine had fallen, China would have pushed a blockade on Taiwan, the domestic pressure on Xi would have been insurmountable, especially after our mess in Afghanistan.
Zelensky had the clutch save, if he took that ride things would have gotten dark.
Russia shouldn’t have started shit then.
Wouldn’t be nothin…
lol, nobody cares what russia says any more. attacking multiple countries at the same time is exactly what got hitler beat in the last world war. so go ahead, putin. make my day.
You just want to say: "You’re getting your ass spanked by your version of Canada, trying to add more countries to the opposing side doesn’t sound like a cunning plan, unless you’re Baldrick.
This would be a hilarious and excellent unified response, especially if it were done as a joint tongue-in-cheek statement by the US Secretary of State and Canadian Foreign Minister
make my day
You look forward to a global conflict?
ed. not really understanding how this comment has been wildly misinterpreted?
- if ukraine has the weapons, the reach, the men; go for it. Invade russia. They (russia) asked for war, and it should be levelled against them.
But I wouldn’t say that would “make my day”. It would be, absolute worst case, a long drawn out war involving even more countries.
Fully in support of Ukraine in every regard. Even if that means bombing and invading russia. But I dont think that would “make my day”.
I think he looks forward to the end of an ongoing genocide in Ukraine, and karma having its day
it’s a figure is speech you’re reading into way too much.
Ok. Do it.
We know you won’t because you’ve literally said everything you’d respond with a nuclear strike to and never did. Ukraine is IN your country and you ain’t doin shit about it.
The only people scared of Russia are it’s vassal states, for good reason.
Kremlin not owning up responsibility they started a war of aggression against their neighbor because they were worried said neighbor would cozy up to the west and elevate themselves out of this post-soviet dark age. If a world war does kick off because Russo-Ukrainian War conflict, the history books will record it’s start date of 27 Feb 14, when Russian invaded Crimea after the Maidan Revolution went sharply against Russian interests.
Every time I read a warning from Russia, my brain fills in the space between sentences with a sitcom laugh track.
I happily hear Ron Howard immediately negate it Arrested Development style
It wasn’t.
This is like the wife beater screaming at his wife “why are you making me do this!?”
Russia better be careful their sabre doesn’t fall apart considering how frequently and aggressively they rattle it.
The Russians used to mock the Chinese for doing this shit-
Lmao that’s great, I’m gonna use that reference
I guess the story of the boy who cried wolf was never translated into Russian.
Maybe someone should warn the countries supplying Russia too, you fucking fiend.
Russia should get realistic and just wave the white flag already. But Ukraine is not without mercy. They understand if there is no more white cloth in Russia. White cloths stained brown, yellow, and red are still acceptable for surrender.
If you don’t think we’re already in World war 3 I’ve got a bridge to sell ya.