For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired

    5 months ago

    Some good examples:

    • Fat acceptance and body positivity. Obesity is glorified (even fetishized) when it’s a woman, whereas obese men are shunned. Have you noticed that nobody in the fat acceptance movement is vouching for the 300lb basement dwellers?

    • Older ladies who date younger guys are called cougars, whereas if you flip the gender roles, an older man dating a younger lady half his age is going to be labelled a pedophile, even if she’s of-age. Just look at at the anger surrounding Tobey Maguire (48 years old) dating a 20 year old actress. There are people who legitimately think men like him should be hunted for sport.

    • The amount of effort you have to put into your dating profile. Women have the opposite problem of being inundated with matches even with minimal effort.

      5 months ago

      I am in the dating scene at the moment. I definitely agree that men and women suffer the opposite problem on those apps. I think the apps are generally not designed to be successful and take advantage of choice fatigue. I don’t know if it’s a double standard per-se but I do think there’s a drastic difference in amount of effort applied.

      Of course there’s no requirement but I do think that the minimum general expectation people have is that there is going to be effort applied to find a partner (aka, communication). That doesn’t always seem to be the case, especially from my anecdotal experience, that getting anything more than a 1-3 word reply is considered a success.

      5 months ago

      On the age thing, TBH anyone under 25 or so should not be dating anyone more than 10 years older than them. It’s still a very formative time both physically (brain development) and psychologically/sociologically. It can cause serious power dynamic issues that risk them being unable to end the relationship or deny consent for certain things. That said gender doesn’t make a difference in those scenarios beyond the fact that women are at a disadvantage and less likely to be wealthy and use that to control the younger.

      But outside of issues where the older person holds power over the younger, I don’t think age should even be that big of a thing. Yes, people of different generations are less likely to have things in common and other conflicts can occur that are age related, but that’s for them to decide.