Musk has posted about an impending civil war on his social media platform X at least eight times in the past 10 months. Some warn it’s dangerous rhetoric.
Tech billionaire Elon Musk has repeatedly prophesied a future civil war related to immigration.
Musk has posted about the subject on his social media platform X at least eight times in the past 10 months, according to a review of his posts by NBC News. And his posts usually include a specific prediction: He thinks that Europe in particular is headed toward a “civil war” due to the arrival of refugees from other continents.
Musk’s interest in the subject of a civil war poked into public view earlier this month when he weighed in on anti-immigration street riots happening across Great Britain. “Civil war is inevitable,” he wrote on X.
Musk’s rhetoric is unheard-of for a corporate executive speaking in public, but the prediction of a civil war has become a frequent talking point among some far-right activists who view a civil war in Europe or the U.S. as not only unavoidable but also as something to be welcomed.
“What you’re seeing in these calls for civil war is a white supremacist clarion call. It is a dog whistle,” said Jon Lewis, a research fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism.
I have a feeling that too many people are seeing a civil war through the lens of Hollywood - where you get to follow the hero and his/her ragtag group. They get into trouble, get hurt and knocked down but in the end they prevail and save the day/country. While there maybe blood and violence it’s never really too bad.
What I think people don’t understand or want to think about is how fucking miserable a full blown civil war would be for most everyone. Sure the mega-rich will be able to wall off the worst of it, but the 99% are going to feel it and it would suck.
So to all those people that are wishing for a civil war - fuck off. You will not be the Hollywood hero you think you will be, more than likely you will be one of 1,000’s of corpses littering the ground.
the 99%
The two parties of the war that we actually need.
You know the 99% percent will soon look for another 1% soon after they win, right? It’s America, without Rich guys to look up to you don’t have a culture or purpose.
The super rich make bank on civil wars. A good and proper war in any developed country would make hundreds of new billionaires and thousands of new millionaires: the hugest wealth transfer in history for that unlucky country.
Meanwhile most of the patriots, true believers, on all sides, who fight, would be dead or maimed or locked up. With most others stuck in poverty , illness and bad leadership whoever won.
Its good business for Musk and company to give a little push now and then
You did a good job of enumerating my thoughts. I think that they think that war will be enable them to act out their power fantasy and line up how you’re saying.
I’ve found myself taking a paradoxically accelerationist stance about it, for this exact reason. At the moment, those on the right agitating for violence are a minority, and those that are actually prepared to act consist primarily of a few thousand militia LARPers and an even smaller number of actually-capable fighters. These groups are gradually accruing malcontents while the right wing’s filter bubble casts their ideas as acceptable, but the sooner those chuds decide to go loud, the more lopsided and emphatic the beatdown will be – provided that the armed forces are under the command of non-authoritarian President. Afterwards the public condemnation of insurrectionists will effectively choke off recruiting. Conflict feels almost inevitable at this point and giving the violent authoritarian fringe more time to plan and recruit only makes that conflict deadlier.
The militia movement has grown massively in recent years, there’s thousands of militia members in most states at this point.
Probably millions of dead. The American Civil War only lasted four years and the death toll is somewhere between 650,000 and 1.5 million. A modern war would either be extremely quick or a long running insurgency that ends up with potentially millions dead.
I was always told that billionaires are so caught up in their work and are constantly making money and hustling. This man has more time on his hands than a homeless dude. And he owns like 4 companies? Just goes to show that this is all part of the mythologizing of wealthy people and in their boredom they develop the most perverse self perspective that idolizes themselves. They also surround themselves with yes men who help perpetuate their ego until it grows out of control and turns them into fascists.
Just a thought.
Reminds me of the saying, we do not all have the same 24 hours.
This guy and the other oligarchs are the 2nd biggest threat to the country.
What’s the first? Right wing nationalism? If so, it’s been systematically propped and fostered by the oligarchs to sow division. It wouldn’t be the problem it is without their continued support.
Before Trump they did not have a champion.
Apartheid Clyde is interested in Civil War huh? Ya don’t say.
Just another tool who expects a) everyone else would do the fighting and dirty work, and b) he’s going to be on the winning side and in charge.
He should join Lemmy.
“What you’re seeing in these calls for civil war is a white supremacist clarion call. It is a dog whistle,” said Jon Lewis, a research fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism.
Hmmm …
“The Turner Diaries is a 1978 novel by William Luther Pierce, a neo-Nazi and the founder and chairman of National Alliance, a white nationalist group, published under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald. It depicts a violent revolution in the United States which leads to the overthrow of the federal government, a nuclear war, and ultimately a race war which leads to the systematic extermination of non-whites and Jews. All groups opposed by the novel’s protagonist, Earl Turner—including Jews, non-white people, “liberal actors,” and politicians—are murdered en masse.”
The fact that I’ve heard people unironically call for the Day of the Rope.
That’s the ending of the book when the liberals lose power because of all the fucking nukes that the “Heroes” dropped and the “Good White Men” stand up and start lynching all the people who “Let it get so bad” in public. The book even says that many “Innocent” people were killed in the conclusion of it, but the heroes write it off as a “necessary sacrifice for the greater good”
It’s full of insanity that feels more like parody, but this is their actual fantasy… A war-torn uninhabitable nuclear wasteland where the survivors just pick non-descript fruit all day.
This is a book where the good guy beats a white teenager to death withe a crowbar because she had the gall to get raped by a black man, and that’s obviously her fault… /s This guy is said to be a calm nerdy type who was liberal all his life too…
It’s also said that white feminists legalized rape to promote equality between the sexes, yes I’m not kidding. The whole book is the most fucked up piece of shit I’ve ever seen in my life.
There’s just… so much wrong with Turner Diaries it makes my spine hurt. It really reads like a cautionary tale about fascism written as an extremely edgy parody of “What Right Wingers actually believe”, but… no this book really means that…
Edit: Wait what did he say that had to do with the Turner Diaries.
I don’t know why we haven’t simply eaten him yet.
The walls around his castle are too high and there are too many guards.
I bet they’re also made of meat.
He’s going to try to run after Trump, isn’t he? Would be shocked if he didn’t. He’s already setting up his confederate pivot
I will laugh my ass off watching him faceplant.
Id join you in chuckling but I’ll never forget the feeling of election night 2016 when every poll has trump losing and Dems had broken their arms patting each other on the back and had spent the cycle scoring Trump and his voter’s chances. Anything is possible when half of people don’t vote, and even those who want to have to face a gauntlet of deliberate obstacles.
When can we deport him? Trump want to deport anyone not born here and in this case I might want to help.
Ay yo! What’s up with south Africans and civil war?!
“Investors, don’t waste an economic crisis. Turn market or economic turbulence to your advantage.”
And now the winner is drumrolls E L O N Musk! He’s the first living entity to be shot to mars!
Curiosity killed the rat
He’s just trying to sell more cybertrucks.
I’m all for electric cars but a giant, shiny, electric-powered, fussy truck would be my last pick in an emergency.
Propagandists must spend a fortune influencing the wealthy. If enough is known about them, they might even be targeted by advertisements at the individual level by fine-tuned demographics.
Fascist is obsessed with violence, yes