Not gonna lie, that headline had me on the first half. I was getting mad up until the last three words.
Same. I started thinking “why, that stupid shit-for-brains…” and had to reel that in with the last few words.
::confused slow clap::
My instinctive hostility towards anything he does or says
When it came to the Ukraine situation, he has, in general, not missed a beat.
The UK has given an impressive amount of gear to the Ukrainians given the size of the UK military, whilst everyone else was dithering and wondering what to give and how much to ensure they still had some stuff at home, the UK attitude was “give them all the things and we’ll worry about it later”.
Obviously countries like Poland had to be more cautious.
A lot of training and intelligence has been given to Ukraine as well. The UK continues to host Ukrainian troops for training.
The UK even made binding “boots on the ground” support agreements to Norway and Sweden in case Russia tried anything during their NATO membership process.
UK gave a bunch of Challenger 2 tanks with “do what you like with them” terms, not just “pwease don’t shooty shoot on Wussian tewwitory” nonsense. This was a token gesture as actually Ukraine really wanted the German stuff but it opened the door a bit to basically embarrass Germany into getting it’s act together.
As much as I don’t like the man, Johnson did well when it came to supporting Ukraine, and credit should be given where it is due.
Yes, I think we can all be thankful that all of the major British political parties were united on the need to support Ukraine. As my Ukrainian friends will always point out - Don’t think of it as Europe “helping” Ukraine - instead think of it as Ukraine taking the brunt of Russian aggression to save Europe.
And it’s so easily fixable too. “Boris Johnson calls to lift ban on Ukraine using”… etc. or just move “to be lifted” immediately after “ban”.
But then it wouldn’t be click bait.
These limitations on Ukraine really need to be lifted. Ukraine needs freedom to attack the best strategic targets they can, whether they are in Ukraine occupied areas or in Russia. Since Russia annexed the occupied territories, there’s not a big difference anyway.
I feel like he changed his mind when he saw how upset i was while reading through the first half
Right? I had to unsigh hard to regain equilibrium.
I’m not a fan of the guy but he had to say something sensible eventually.
Broken clock…
What a horribly written title
… to be lifted.
It was written by M. Night Shyamalan.
Dickhead, dickhead, dickhead, no wait, legend!
I will admit that I am confounded by how often I agree with Boris Johnson’s views on providing military aid to Ukraine, considering I almost always vehemently disagree with him on pretty much anything and everything else.
Yeah he’s one of the very few Western politicians who is taking the threat Russia poses to European security seriously. I found it unexpected tbh considering all of his other views.
Those last three words of the headline are doing some heavy lifting here
Bo Jove, I think he’s got it!
Somebody is not getting their regular
bribespayments anymoreYa boy looks like he half way to becoming a sith lord. Somebody get this man an espresso.
Doesn’t Storm Shadow require Western operators to program targets? I want Ukraine to win this war of national survival (unlike the US administration) but Western operators programming missiles to hit targets in Russia does sound escalatory to me. I’d rather see Ukraine receive a decent number of F16s (i.e. much more than currently pledged) with corresponding munitions. There’s a lot of really useful stuff in the Western arsenal that would otherwise remain unused forever, including older-gen glide bombs & standoff weapons. It’s not going to be the Wunderwaffen winning this war, anyway. But an ample supply of decent weapons could work wonders. Just look at the success of Russia’s cheap glide bomb upgrades. (Sorry for the wall of text, by the way, but I can’t get Connect for Android to retain line breaks)
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Based Boris
edit: I was joking 🥲
Never. The dude being right once doesn’t absolve him of shit. Fuck him.