Julius Ceasar, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and many more…
These people had beliefs and worldviews that were so horribly, by today’s standards, that calling them fascist would be huge understatement. And they followed through by committing a lot of evil.
Aren’t we basically glorifying the Hitlers of centuries past?
I know, historians always say that one should not judge historical figures by contemporary moral standards. But there’s a difference between objectively studying history and actually glorifying these figures.
I don’t think we glorify them, but we consider them significant figures in history. Remembering and talking/studying history and significant figures allows us to learn more about ourselves as well as learn how things can be done better than they once were. But I don’t really see these people glorified. Nobody calls them heroes or people to emulate.
We also glorify horrible people from the present, so why not?
Who’s “we”? I don’t glorify these people.
I mean, the hitler comparison falls off with those specific examples, but I get that you’re saying.
First, they were successful for the most part.
Second, it is the far past. The distance in time means that most people will only ever know about the biggest brush strokes of their biography and actions. The records of the eras aren’t exactly rife with full detail for every bit of their lives. And what is there, most people encounter at the superficial level of a high school world history class.
That kind of class isn’t geared towards detail, nuance, or moral judgement. It’s about the overview.
Since all of the ones you listed are also pretty damn interesting, and made major impacts to human society (for good or ill, that’s not the point of the answer to the question as asked). This in turn means that they’re memorable compared to some random king or emperor that was just doing their job and running their nation without trouble.
In other words, they aren’t boring. And, tbh, they weren’t fascists. They never had that level of complexity to their goals. Fascist != dictator by default. That part means that until and unless you start looking at the horrible things they did, there’s no convenient modern label to apply to them in a general history class to point to them not being good people.
Remember, most entry level history classes might have a week to cover the entirety of the Roman Empire; devoting time to Caesar’s nastiness just isn’t relevant to the goal of that kind of class. The only reason he’s worth going into any detail about at all is that he changed Rome to such a degree that it’s a pivot point, and cant be entirely skipped like the majority of historical roman leaders.
From there to “glorification” is a matter of fiction. We don’t have the kind of detail that allows for interesting documentaries, so what we get outside of advanced history classes (which people won’t likely take unless they’re intending to be historians) is infotainment and outright fiction using the names of people. Once you start making books and shows and movies, entertainment and profit are the goals, not historical accuracy or even adhering to actual facts at all. Most of what people think of about Caesar is from Shakespeare.
So you then have people with disjointed and filtered ideas about historical figures, mashed together from a few facts and a lot of fiction.
Honestly, even with more recent figures, you run into the same thing. How many people do you think could give a detailed and accurate biography of either president Roosevelt? Or JFK? Or Regan? Man, there’s people that couldn’t tell you anything about the current world leaders beyond their name.
You should be more worried about why we glorify horrible contemporary people, or from the more recent past. Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, Ellen DeGeneres, the list is endless. There are a lot of people that even glorify Hitler himself.
And wrt Alexander the Great, having killed a lot of people does not make a person horrible. My grandfather killed a lot of people, probably hundreds. He never wanted to talk much about it. He was a great guy and a hero. Alexander the great killed a lot of people, but in doing that he eliminated the enemies of his people. He is recorded in history for spreading civilization, arts, education. He founded many cities that flourished, some of them even stand today. He freed a lot of cities that were ruled by his people’s enemies. His conquests are one of the major reasons modern western civilization exists. He did all that as a military leader and he killed a lot of people.
Heroes don’t kill hundreds of people, they save them.
What if we glorify horrible contemporary people because we’re taught to glorify sociopathic behavior through how we’re taught about historical horrible people?
Actions we condemn today were often considered acceptable, even heroic, in their era. Many figures are celebrated for their accomplishments in fields like military leadership, politics, philosophy, or art.
Also national pride, these people become symbols of a nation’s identity and history, youre always taught they’re heroes. They also leave a lasting impact on culture, shaping the art of their era and therefore beyond. Look no further than Napoleon for this one. Or the Mughals.
Power and influence can be awe-inspiring, even if their methods are questionable. These are traits that have throughout history been associated with being morally good in a way. Fame, power, money makes you ‘good’ in many cultures over history. Kings are looked up to, they are seen as people with noble blood. Their actions are inherently correct. I genuinely believe our morality as a society has grown more stringent over time.
Sometimes, people are presented in a simplified, heroic manner without acknowledging their flaws. That’s just the nature of storytelling imo. They aren’t being critically analysed because they are stories. And we make art based on the stories and art that survive. We base stories of Alexander the Great on the art he allowed in his time.
This is brief, I have a lot of opinions on this matter lol.
who does that exactly?
The British with Winston Churchill, US with Reagan.
Not everyone in UK or US is a brainwashed idiot. There’s plenty of people who know their history and are in good faith.
Plenty, yes. Majority? I doubt it
…The US with Winston Churchill.
—Actually I don’t know the history surrounding Churchill, I know someone once asked in a r/explainlikeimfive reddit post, but all that I really remember was that he was super-conservative.
What he did to India is akin to what Belgium did to the Congo. He was also extremely racist, said Indians are “a beastly people with a beastly religion”, Arabs are “a lower manifestation than the jews” who “only eat camel shit”. The Jews, who he thought implanted communism in Russia as part of a conspiracy to control the world (same thing the Nazis said).
When defending the Israel plan of displacing Palestinian people, he said:
I do not admit for instance that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been to those people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race or at any rate a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place. I do not admit it.
And of course Asians wouldn’t be left out: “I hate people with slit eyes and pigtails. I don’t like the look of them or the smell of them”
Alexander the great is glorified in egypt
I’d wager most Americans have favorable opinions about the slavers, genociders and occasional rapists who “founded” the country. And Columbus.
Also, monarchies in general have favorable opinions about terrible people.
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Imagine it’s 7500bce… Most humans are still hunter gatherers but in a few places people have started banding together to form cities. The world is savage, hard, and dangerous. Life is short and cheap, and just like chimpanzees today don’t feel any moral qualms about murdering rival troop members, humans hadn’t really evolved socially to the point of thinking of all humans as inherently “special” or worthy of life… Some could say we still haven’t all evolved to this point.
In that context what we were left with was a bunch of sociopaths. And no wonder. Most people would be somewhat sociopathic if their siblings died in infancy or were carried off to be slaves or eaten by wolves, their parents were murdered in front of them, their village was slaughtered and burned, etc. So these city people, and soon the surrounding people’s, saw sociopathic behavior as normal and even something to be worshipped. (Again, some of us still do)
Sociopaths don’t hesitate to harm other people to increase their own power and wealth, even when they don’t really need anything more to live comfortably. In a world where might makes right, this was a huge advantage and the most horrible and brutal sociopaths rose to become kings of their city states.
There is some evidence that hunter gatherers groups would occasionally get a sociopath among them, but more often than not that person would be shunned and banished from the family. It was only when cities became a thing that there were tons of people from many families, so even if you’re family kicked you out, you could just find other sociopaths who had been kicked out, and together you could just kill anyone who denied you.
There’s also the fact that as soon as people started settling down and using agriculture to create excess food, the hunter gatherers around them started trying to take that food because hey, free food. So then you need to start defending your food stores, and again sociopaths rise to the top because they are the most ruthless “defenders”.
Those sociopathic traits continued in the ruling class throughout all of human pre history and history. Right down to today where people continue to worship the sociopaths like Musk, Trump, or even Hillary. It’s a childish thought process of “my dad can beat up your dad”, which makes me feel safer, even if sometimes my dad also beats me.
Edit: just to add that the only reason we can even have this conversation is because, for the first time in human history, large swaths of the human population HAVE socially evolved to the point of recognizing innate human value, and thus can also recognize sociopathic behavior
A good though to have in ones mind when thinking about this topics is that you will probably be seen as someone horrible and barbaric with evil-morals by future standards.
It’s not a modern standards thing, Genghis Khan was seen as a complete monster in his own time.
Probably by people conquered by him. People riding by his side probably would have a different view of him.
We all exist because of those people’s exploits.
That’s basically where the concept of glory begins.
I don’t understand in what way we wouldn’t exist without their exploits?
Conversely why do we act horrified that someone in the past didn’t act according to standards that only exist today and pressures that don’t.
We are horrified by our ancestors actions because we’re different than them, we don’t understand them. We have the benefit of hindsight and can see the results of their actions. We put ourselves into their world and view it with our standards of today, because we don’t want to think we could do the same now that we know better. I can be horrified by the actions of someone in the past but also know that the further back into the pastI look the less I understand of history people.
But Alexander the Great literally has the Great in his name.
Not in every culture/language. It’s like knighthood, people are going to call a knight “sir” even if they are at odds with the British.
Because the powers that be and the systems they have in place (capitalism, Christian white supremacy, patriarchy, cis-heteronormativity) benefit in one way or another.
If they teach us that Julius Caesar was a bad guy and that it’s good he was defeated, then we might learn that our current leaders are often bad guys too, and that maybe we should do the same to them.
In the same way that if they teach us that Hitler took his inspiration for the holocaust from already firmly established American racism, we might learn that our own history is just as bad and should be fought against at all cost (which is also what we’re taught instead of the reality - the allies fought the Nazis because they threatened their own power, not because of an ideological disagreement).
That’s why we’re not taught (or only given a palatable token example) about working people fighting the owning class for basic rights, Black brown and Indigenous people fighting the Christian white supremacist establishment and winning, and other oppressed groups standing up to their oppressors (E: nor most of the atrocities they have and continue to commit).
Whitewashing history is always a deliberate act, and is always done in defence of the ruling class.
People glorify Winston Churchill. He was a piece of shit. He was just like Hitler wrt the countries england colonized. But he’s sooooo loved. I hope he’s a human centipede in hell.
That would be absolute horrible punishment to the person behind him in the centipede.
Its hell. You can loop him around.
Then he’d be eating his own ass, that’s hardly punishment
I did not think of that aspect. But wouldn’t that just be the case in the human centipede too?