YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel — The suspension comes following the publication of rape and sexual assault allegations against the British star::YouTube has blocked Russell Brand from making money off its platform and the BBC pulled some of his shows from its online streaming service in the wake of rape and sexual assault allegations against the comedian-turned-influencer.
I haven’t provided a clip of him NOT talking about drugs because that is such a dumbfuck to not warrant a real response but if you insist;
Gosh he just can’t shut up about them can he? Actually he can and most of the time he isn’t talking about drugs. Shocker.
OBVIOUSLY at the point of being a film star he was no longer working class. Jesus. I’ve never said he is CURRENTLY working class, but he is not Working Class in income only. And because Working Class is an amorphous social group, he has more of a claim to it than many other people. Therefore he is a working class man from Essex who became rich and famous. I think you’re the one who needs to go to school if you need it spelt out for you so laboriously. His mannerisms and experience and outward appearance are a result of his working class upbringing, money doesn’t suddenly give you an RP accent and a Habsburg’s Jaw.
No, you haven’t proven that at all. Being from a single parent household does not make you working class. Being born in Essex does not make you working class.
You’re just making shit up, son
So a single mother with no qualifications living in Grays, a grim Essex town and raising her son by herself is what? Middle class? I don’t know why you’re so desperate to gatekeep being poor.
I don’t know why you’re so desperate to suck his dick
I’ve not said anything positive about him, but OK. At least you’ve admitted you were wrong.
You sure love making shit up when you can’t provide an actual argument
You can just make shit up. The reality is literally written down above these messages.
You’re either illiterate or retarded, but good luck with whichever one it is
You complain at me having no argument, yet you’ve clearly conceded whatever yours was as you’ve provided nothing of substance.