YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel — The suspension comes following the publication of rape and sexual assault allegations against the British star::YouTube has blocked Russell Brand from making money off its platform and the BBC pulled some of his shows from its online streaming service in the wake of rape and sexual assault allegations against the comedian-turned-influencer.
I have no reason to doubt the allegations. But allegations shouldn’t be enough for somebody to lose their livelihood.
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Has he been banned from using the Internet? No? Then you’re spewing bullshit. YouTube doesn’t have to host his content and advertisers don’t need to pay him for it. He isn’t entitled to shit. He can fuck off to some right-wing hellscape of a site that will platform him. That’s capitalism baby!
Get out of here with your critical thinking!!!
Shakes fist
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Again. Not a rapist until proven so in a court. And yes, I understand the difficulty in proving it and I believe him to be guilty, but not a rapist until proven so.
I know there is a huge failing by the courts with these types of cases but we must avoid trial by media at all costs.
I don’t think it’s that simple. Heinous allegations can make that business relationship untenable. YouTube has an image to protect as well as other partnerships to maintain. There are people (not just wealthy executives) whose livelihood relies on those things,.
If a person’s reputation, fair or not, creates a risk to those things, why should YouTube be forced to assume that risk on their behalf?
No one should see YT as a “livelyhood” as no one has a contract with them guaranteing income.
YouTube is big business. Of course content makers should be able to rely on it for livelihood.
Google used to be incredibly hands-off about these things, only terminating someone if they were actually convicted in a court of law.
Compare the cases of Austin Jones (who didn’t have his YouTube channel terminated until he was actually convicted of distributing child porn and sentenced to ten years in prison) and EDP445 (who was caught in a pedophile hunter sting operation and was immediately terminated from all social media.)
I agree to an extent, however the reason behind Google cancelling his ads is almost certainly not because Google doesn’t want to monetize as much content as humanly possible, but because they expect or know that their advertisers don’t want their ads next to an alleged (and possibly convicted in the future) rapist / sexual predator.
Just a reminder that there are a far more allegations against Trump, and Trump has been found liable for rape, and yet Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination.
Even if I find this appealing, I wonder why you need to do this whataboutism.
Just trying to resolve some cognitive dissonance for Trump supporters who maybe haven’t thought about it in these terms.
Trump supporters are more dangerous.
Does he have a monetized YouTube channel?
Great, now demonitize the catholic church while you’re at it.
And pragerU
Is it against YT TOS or did they take the liberty with this decision
Second, as much as I have always found him sketchy and a very irritating person, I am very alarmed by the erosion of people’s right to be presumed innocent until found guilty. even when I know that he is quite capable of the committing those allegation
Yeah, I don’t know anything about this guy but this is an alarming decision if the headline is accurate.
It’s more alarming if he is innocent
YouTube doesn’t need to presume shit. You’re confusing YouTube with the US government.
YT is a private company supplying a server. They can set their own policy (TOS which is neither enforceable by law for either side) and they don’t actually owe anyone their livelihood. It’s like getting kicked off of any platform,even Etsy. Etsy doesn’t then owe you money that you could have made. You don’t own potential money. It’s not promised to you. They are a platform. Not your distributor. And even at that you can be kicked from a distributor anytime as they can also have policies on content they will associate with. If they decide it’s disagreeable, that in itself is a breach of contract.
I don’t think the debate is whether YouTube is allowed to choose who is or isn’t on their site, but whether it is OK to subject someone to the result of a trial by social media.
If someone made an accusation against you, would you think it’d be right of your employer to sack you, or would you like the chance to defend yourself legally first?
he’s not EMPLOYED by YouTube. That is not what this is.
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I really hope no one falsely accuses you of a sex crime, because you’ve just made your bed.
if it were Keanu Reeves, He would get the Pretty privilege
My god… some of the commenters would make you think he was being sent to the lethal injection chamber.
The guy had his account demonetized. He’s not even banned from YouTube. He can post as many videos as he wants. He just doesn’t get paid for them. Which makes him… like most of us who post YouTube videos. The horror!
It’s scary seeing how many people also don’t understand that these laws protect you from government entities.
IYoutube is considered a private company, as it isn’t run by the government. So, protective laws against government rules don’t really apply. Proper court proceeding would be good, yes, but youtube is not the Court. Youtube can and does control what is on their platform. They are contract bound to advertiser interests, and their advertisers don’t want to risk encouraging him if he is guilty. That is also their right, as they are also private entities. There is nothing that obligates them to continue funding someone. They could also decide to stop funding because the guy like bagels.
As a private entity, google could theoretically stop every single youtube channel today, if they chose to do so. They can decide to not host your content just because you like potatoes over radishes. It’s their private platform.
I don’t get why that’s complex. Private vs public.
Agreed, but what’s really grinding my gears here is he hasn’t been banned from YouTube. He just won’t make money from his videos. People are complaining because a multimillionaire isn’t getting paid by Google. Baffling.
Maybe because in principle someone had lost their income due to unproven allegations. Who they are our the financial status is irrelevant.
What’s relevant is that Google has no obligation to pay anyone but their employees.
He already puts his videos on the dodgy other video sites for wronguns like Rumble doesn’t he?
It’s not the fucking job of YouTube to judge and punish. We have judges and the Criminal Code for that. We should not let us ruled by corporations!
I’m guessing the challenge is advertisers. Advertisers buy ad space next to or in video content. No advertiser wants to buy ad space that is adjacent to or makes it look like they are supporting someone under public scrutiny for sexual assault allegations. So as Google, where you need to sell good ad space to paying advertisers, bother with running ads next to Russel Brand or just say no and make that clear to advertisers to build confidence?
It is their job to make profits. Literally. Google is legally bound by stake holder agreement to maximise profits, absolutely nothing to do with the justice system or any sort of ethical code.
No, but as a private firm it is there decision what they host, promote and show adverts against. He has no contract with YT guaranteeing an income, thats not how it works. If he wants a guaranteed income he should get back on TV with a contact, but he Burt those bridges when he become a conspiracy grifter.
Yea I understand that, but so many content creators get thrown under the bus by YouTube, twitch, etc. that I think there should be a law protecting individuals from big cooperations that they are dependent on. I know, it’s different in America compared to where I live, here, if you have someone Working for you and you fire that person, depending how long this person works for you already, you have to pay salary for up to 3 months. (There are few reasons that allow cancellation of contract immediately) After you got fired, you can go to a place called “Arbeitslosenkasse” where you get 80% of salary going forward as long as you try to get a new job.
So maybe thats why I find it odd when YouTube just flick a switch upon obligations…
Btw. I don’t know that guy the post is about and highly doubt that he is innocent given the infos I have seen yet.
We have the same laws in the UK, but he’s self-employed. Can you not be self-employed where you live?
I mean its the same in the UK with employment protections, but YouTubers wouldn’t be covered by that as they’re not employees and don’t have contracts. Google don’t really have to share any revenue with uploaders as they’re already providing the infrastructure and storage for free.
No one should rely on that as income and just see it as a bonus, to other income streams.
Yeah but they clearly feel there is enough smoke to be worried about a fire and are entitled to cut ties. It may be the case if they don’t that people take their impartial inaction to be supporting him. They have ethics and morality clauses in their TOS.
It’s one thing if they actually stop running ads on his videos. I bet they crank more ads on them instead.
I have no idea if he did or didn’t any of the alleged. But what happened to innocent u til proven guilty? Anyone accused of anything these days gets cancelled.
I mean there are definately people who havent been canceled. Reminder that Chris Brown is probably bigger than he once was and everyone knows hes actually beaten up people
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Google is not the law, and they can do whatever they want with their company.
They don’t have to continue to pay him if they don’t want to — innocent, guilty, whichever. Just like they don’t have to continue to host nazi garbage or MAGA garbage if they don’t want to.
This puts Russel Brand in a position to sue for libel and slander as the court of public opinion has already declared him guilty. What happens if he is found innocent at his court case. What if they did this to Johnny Depp?
Nothing. These people aren’t entitled to companies wanting to work with them. This isn’t the same thing as being a W-2 worker somewhere.
“Not guilty” is distinct from “innocent”, and such a verdict, if a trial ever comes of this, would not impact libel or slander. Being unable to prove your accusations in court to the standard required is not a determination that the accusations were false, only that doubt remained.
Not sure why you’re being downvoted, nobody here knows if he did it or not.
Unfortunately, that’s pretty much a wrap for him. Nobody has come back from rape allegations, even if they win in court.
I don’t even like the guy, but I really dislike how we’ve regressed to the point where feelings are more important than facts.
Cancelled people don’t come back!? What fucking planet are you living on?
Bret The Rapist Kavanaugh got everything he wanted after getting cancelled.
Floyd Wife Beater Mayweather will still be remembered for his boxing career than the shit he should be remembered for.
Louie Indecent Exposure CK came back to the Comedy Scene years after getting cancelled only to make disingenuous jokes about his behavior.
These pieces of garbage should hang their heads in shame and suffer social ostracism until all their victims vocally and emphatically forgive them publicly.
The fact we make excuses for and defend these “people” because of their social status and a myriad of legal loopholes that allow for them to walk free with their heads held high while their victims are questioned and vilified is fucking pathetic.
I mean Deshaun Watson came back with 230 million dollars guaranteed after several sexual harrasment allegations. Public image wise hes gone, but that doesnt mean he still doesnt make a shit ton of money (and all of it guaranteed)
Several? Man was at 26 allegations and he is still currently being sued. The Browns were stupid enough to pay him thinking he was going to save them and to a vast majority of football fans joy he isn’t playing well. I wouldn’t be shocked if he goes broke.
What about Johnny Depp? Don’t forget Al Franken too.
Guilty until proven Innocent, and even then still kinda guilty.
That’s just how people operate today, and it’s disgusting
Edit: Second sentence added for clarity
It’s a bit hard to accurately gauge these sorts of things when there is such a large incentive to lie about this stuff to get someone out of the political arena. This is inclusive of all sides. I don’t know how we should properly go about these things but the truth is that there are entities with LOTS of money and connections who can ruin anyones life without any hard evidence in an instant. None of us know what happened, it’s up to the court of law to properly determine things. But you’d be ignorant to think that the powers that be wouldn’t throw rape accusations at anyone who is inconvenient to those in power.
If you watched the piece, there is video evidence of him being a disgusting piece of shit regardless. There was footage of him forcefully kissing a presenter and undoing her bra. The police failed to investigate. These women were failed by lazy, misogynistic police, just like they always are.
To top it off, slander laws in the UK are very strict, no one is going to post accusations like this without serious evidence to back themselves up.
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When the evidence presents itself I will make my judgement.
no one is going to post accusations like this without serious evidence to back themselves up.
This is quite the statement to make. I argue that accusations like this get posted all the time without serious evidence to back it up. I will wait for the evidence to come out of him raping someone before I make a judgement in either direction.
So you’re saying channel 4 makes allegations of rape against celebrities all the time?
Where did I say that?
This is a two day old account with many hot takes that are stone cold.
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There have been documented cases of rich people being informed they will have accusations thrown at them in the public eye if they do not pay out. Every time a public figure criticizes a politician to the point of possibly swaying some public opinion, I promise you that their team is working overtime to find any dirt possible to shut that person up. There’s a whole industry around it where firms are paid big money to dig up (and less scrupulously, fabricate) shit on people who go against their interests. It’s not that far fetched.
Christ you have a conspiracy for everything don’t you? Lemmy’s a small place. But this is very informative about your other comments.
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He is a working class person from Essex. He’s not pretending to be anything he isn’t, except arguably an intellectual. No need to be so vitriolic.
Being a drug addict does not make you working class.
He glamourises drugs and other grubby behaviour and makes a living out of being obnoxious, until people call him out on it, at which point he turns on the waterworks and does the “oh poor little street kid me” act.
He left his single parent home at 16 before turning to drugs. How was he not working class. He’s an ex-drug addict and doesn’t glamourise them at all. I don’t even like him, but the facts are out there.
What do you think “working class” means?
You obviously haven’t seen any of his material. He’s built his whole career on drugs. Find a clip where he’s not talking about them.
You want me to find a clip of Russell Brand not talking about drugs? Wow… impossible.
Working class is anyone from the social group of unskilled or manual/industrial work. The people who work these jobs and their families/children. Like Russell Brand. He’s not working class anymore, but he just factually was as a child. Weird hill to die on.
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…which proves my point.
You don’t seem to understand what the argument is about.
There isn’t an argument, you called him the fakest piece of shit around and then suggested he was some kind of privileged upper class toff pretending to be an Essex urchin. But the obvious reality is he presents himself as he is. You chose the dumbest attack you could have. Attack his politics or something.
All of the top comments in this thread seem very astroturfed. All saying the same thing, all wrong about the doctrinal implications of legal presumptions.
These fucking red pilled incels. Yeah, they can overrun any comment section, but get them in the real world and they scurry back to the shadows roaches.
Didn’t he practically brag about treating women like shit until he had a daughter? That’s what his rebirth special was cringefully about. He was literally making money about talking about treating women like shit.
Does YouTube have a precedent of blocking people who have allegations? I know little about Russel and his actions, but the way this whole thing has blown up, has me raising an eyebrow. I know his content is exposing of the establishment so I am wondering if we are seeing something here to take him down? Ultimately, justice needs to take place and until then, he should be treated as innocent until proven guilty.
French YouTuber Léo Grasset lost ALL revenue on ALL his videos following (up until now unproven) rape allegations.
Here’s a random source in English for you:éo-grasset-case--targeted-by-an-investigation-for-rape.rJPCh24vj.html
“Innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t exist for celebrities and YouTube/other platforms become de-facto public juror.
Why is Trump on so many social media platforms then?
He was President of the United States of America?
So the President above the law? Is this ok?
Lots of pro-rapists in this thread. Fuck Russel Brand and fuck Google (obviously)
Yeah! More overtones of sexual violence!
Look, it wouldn’t surprise me if these allegations were true given the kind of person he is and his past behaviour.
But I’ll just bring up the example of Kevin Spacey. A man whose career was thrown in the bin over allegations that were untrue. Obviously, we don’t learn anything at all.
Kevin accuser status:
"She was hit by a car in March and died in the hospital shortly after. No driver was charged for the incident. "
“In September, another accuser died, although his name is unknown. The man, who was a massage therapist, was suing Spacey under the name of “John Doe” for sexual assault. Shortly before the trial began, he died. A source informed Variety that he passed away from cancer. Because of the massage therapist’s death, his case against Spacey was dismissed.”
“On Christmas Day of 2019, Ari died of an apparent suicide. No further details have been disclosed as of yet.”
So I don’t think Kevin Spacey is a good example of “innocent man”
Also some people need to read more about the “rumors” that “support” these allegations as they are “open secrets” in Hollywood. For any accusations, a little bit of research can provide very amazingly details about these cases from early 2000 in blogs and gossip Hollywood magazine.