Well, he won’t. Cops answer to billionaires.
But also, cops like having an excuse to violently punish their comrades. So they’re happy with whoever gave them that excuse, billionaire or not.
Cops are also incredibly lazy. And Elon isn’t within arm’s reach.
Did he make cybertrucks “bulletproof” so no one would shoot him in his rat face?
Perhaps these billionaires wouldn’t have to prep for the apocalypse if they stopped trying to cause one!
They are vulnerable to large metal sphere being casually chucked at the windows though.
Targeted EMP. Locked inside a cage of his own making. Just let him sit in the sun. Or roll him into a lake.
It can’t even stop a low grain bullet from an AR-15, which is notably one of the most popular rounds in America. People buying these trucks are so gullible.
And why would I even care about a car being bullet proof? I want a spare tire.
that wouldn’t even make sense since the glass was never “bulletproof” and if you’re gonna hit him in the face, you gotta go through the glass.
Hence my quotes.
Good thing it’s the UK here. We know what happens to rich people who incite riots in the US. Nothing.
Thats not true. They get to run for president.
But we are not arresting rich guys.
It’s against their laws
He’s using it to keep activity up on Twitter lol. Giving him the time of day is bad for the mental health
He is promoting the pogroms
Why do we even give him this attention? This news is completely irrelevant. He just wants attention to fuel engagement on his Twitter baby…
Holding wealthy people accountable for their actions is a rare thing, worth treasuring and celebrating, even when it’s just talk. I hope we can all pray that Elon Musk is brought to justice soon.
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Information for The Guardian:
MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - United Kingdom
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