“I never thought the leopards would eat my face!”
Trump was manipulated into attacking Adelson by another donor, Ike Perlmutter, who “had hoped in vain that Mrs. Adelson would contribute to a rival super PAC that he backs.”
It’s like narcissistic parents trying to undermine each other by manipulating their child.
That’s why all of them are fucked after Trump dies. They all hate each other, they’re constantly backstabbing each other. They have nothing after he’s gone. No one to rally around.
I think it depends on if he somehow becomes president or not.
If he doesnt, maga will die with him. If he does, all the rules will have been changed and all he needs to do is appoint next in line. Even if people don’t agree with the person he appoints, or the party tries to put someone else in their place, it will be too late.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
I hope you’re right. But I fear there will instead be some power vacuum, which will be filled with someone much smarter and maybe even more evil than Trump. Such a person will have been watching this shit show and paying attention to how easy it is to manipulate these idiots.
And because Trump only has the attention span to believe the last person he talked to, he took Perlmutter at his word and went off on someone else.
Ike Perlmutter, the fuck who messed up Marvel TV. Not surprised that shit stain goaded Trump.
Trump accusing billionaire supporter Miriam Adelson, the widow of the casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, of allowing the PAC she has funded with millions of dollars, Preserve America, to be run by “Republicans in Name Only,” also known as RINOs.
This sounds like another felony to add to the list. PACs are not allowed to coordinate with candidates or their campaigns, which is how they’re allowed to raise unlimited amounts of money. Trump directing how the PAC be run sure does sound like coordination to me.
He just can’t stop criming!
2 in 46 US-Presidents are addicted to crime. You can help now. For only a small amount, you can feel like you have done something.
PACs are not allowed to coordinate with candidates or their campaigns, which is how they’re allowed to raise unlimited amounts of money.
If anyone doesn’t get that stuff like this is always said with a nod and a wink… they don’t understand how truly broken our campaign finance system is in reality. The Citizens United case is blinding proof that this Supreme Court has been in the bag for conservatives and reactionaries for decades. Project 2025 is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the wealthy, empowered by Reagan era Neoliberalism, attempting a fascist takeover of the United States. It’s the Business Plot (or “Wall Street Putsch”) of 1933, but in super slow motion.
“The texts were particularly jarring because Mrs. Adelson and Mr. Trump had a friendly meeting just a week earlier at the Republican National Convention, according to a person briefed on the matter,” the report notes before adding that Trump was manipulated into attacking Adelson by another donor, Ike Perlmutter, who “had hoped in vain that Mrs. Adelson would contribute to a rival super PAC that he backs.”
Everyone involved seems awful
Why should they even care which PAC gets the money, if the goals are the same. Seems likely they’re profiting from their PAC, what a surprise. Citizens United and our extremist supreme court is such a fucking disaster.
Adelson: I never imagined the Leopards would eat my face…
I love seeing Trumpanzees turning on each other. They are some of the worst people on the planet. When they cause each other harm everyone else wins.
Trumpanzees! That’s fucking awesome.
When they cause each other harm everyone else wins
For some reason, this really hit me. I generally don’t root for actual harm to befall someone. I just don’t think you can do that and call yourself a good person. That said, I do genuinely enjoy the schadenfreude in stories like this.
I’m the opposite. I don’t think you can be a good person and not root for actual harm to befall Donald, or McConnell, or Clarence, or Elon, or etc. They’re all sociopaths who are willing to burn the planet for money in a way that is beyond the reach of justice.
Sundowning is a bitch, ain’t it?
The Adelson family is horrible. Here’s an article about the patriarch who recently passed. Massive right-wing donor. Got deals from people like Newt Gingrich to shut down investigations into the gambling industry (where a bunch of Adelaon money came from), used far-right anti union operatives, like trump he deliberately stiffed contractors who worked on his business properties…just read the article. The Adelsons are scumbags.
Do not feel bad for the lady. She helped build this monster and was supporting it.
They’re also weird. Very weird.
And the guy who manipulated Trump into attacking her is Ike Perlmutter, not really better either haha
Poor guy, he can’t make all of his mega-donors happy. It’s a damn shame when you don’t really have a platform or any solid principles. You just end up pandering to whoever will pony up. Dance Donny, dance.
The NYT shows the texts included a nice bit of misogyny. I’d say what a piece of shit Trump is, but he even let an aide write those texts haha
“RINOs” — Republicans in name only — and that Mrs. Adelson’s late husband would never have tolerated that, the people said.
Aging is sad, especially when it happens to those you love. But I think we can all admit that old guys get real weird as they approach their mortal expiration. I’ve unfortunately seen the mood swings and complete lack of couth as the mind degrades in the final years.
Its not age, its a narcisist in meltdown over losing his image, his control, and the fear of those around him.
It’s both.
Pretty sure he was having narcissistic meltdowns before he hit the age of 4.
This guy was a gleefully inhuman monster who hurt people for fun decades before he was even President.
Just as with Ronald Reagan, some people just do so much harm to others unrepentantly for fun and profit, that I can very much revel in their pain/decline/confusion and sleep like a baby.
I don’t subscribe to the pure model of “treat others as you would have them treat you.” Humans abuse that and it makes you a mark.
My version is “In a vacuum, be kind, but once someone shows you who they are, treat others how they treat others.”
Also, when someone shows you who they truly are, believe them the first time. I’ve become a person for whom respect is not earned, it is only ever lost. Everyone I know and meet, I try to respect the same as I would any other person… but, once you’ve lost that respect, I find it truly hard to give the benefit of the doubt and restore that faith.
You comment made me think this, give respect freely but, take it back permanently.
Counter point: Dick Van Dyke.
Admit? People get weird when they age? Any studies to back this up at all? I live in Sweden where a large portion of the population is quite old. You have those who need care, and you have those who are just fine (like anyone in any age group). I’m surprised to see this kind of agesim BS on Lemmy tbh. Are we really stupid enough to judge the competence of a person based on how many times we rotated the sun? Please. There is plenty to hate about Trump. The passing of time is not one of them.
P.S: I think your attitude sucks and I hope that when/if you hit 80, you have people around you that don’t have this attitude so they don’t bin you into early grave my metaphorically killing you before you are dead.
Who pissed in your Cheerios, brother? I said that its sad to see the mental decline and personality changes of loved ones in their final years. I get that aging affects everyone differently. I hope those around me in my final years, don’t see a shell that differs from the person I presented the world, throughout my healthy life. I hope the same for you and the ones you love as well.
The agists did.
Ps. I am extremely sad to see left leaning progressives go all bananas about sexism and racism but just embracing ageism as if that is somehow acceptbale.
Saying that age is an indicator of cognitive decline is not ageist. Saying things like “this person is TOO OLD and TOO FARTY to be president” is. This is what my problem here is with.
Saying a President cannot be above 80 is like saying women should not be firefighters (or some other similar sexist nonsense). Neither people can control their age or gender, but they sure as fuck can prove themselves as competent in a certain field and this is what we should be judging.
We’re not in the fucking bronze age. No need to draw lines in sand and say “80 BAAAAD”. PLEASE. Let’s just be a tadfuck more sophisticated than that. Millions of years of evolution, we can be a fair fucking society can’t we?
One would hope that someone so easily manipulated won’t get to be president
Stories like this are proof that we need to get over our child-like worship of billionaires. Money is no proof of intelligence.
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insert “leopards ate my face party” reference here.
Oh but surely those people had said something to get such an aggressive response or they weren’t actual supporters in the first place, some were probably leftist moles, not me though, I support him, he will fix the US! /s
This irks me a bit too.
Once in a while, I see a short video clip of “Why I’m not voting for Trump this time”. They give some good reasons - narcissism, brash rudeness, looking out for himself, etc. Of course, I salute people for having their moment of introspection. But what annoys me is, none of their reasons were less true in 2016 - and few of them ever really say they themselves changed in the intervening span.
Goalpost one is to stop supporting the guy. I’m glad for people that hit that. Goalpost two is to realize a reasonable person never should’ve supported him. Perhaps that’s a lot for some people.
It does not matter what you have done for him. You will never be on his side. He stands alone and will never take the needs of anyone else. Not his friends (as if he had any) not his backers or family or anyone other than himself