Sounds to me like Dad needs a little credit here.
Even if you arent good at improv “Thats a good question! I’m not sure, we should look that up!” Is an easy go-to.
Then after shower and get into bed we look up todays questions.
Sounds like you need some credit too!
My grandfather would tell stories of how the planet used to be covered in plants and you could breathe the air outside. Back when the sky was blue.
Where is this from ?
It is (I hope) an original. Though the form “my grandfather would tell stories” might be bordering on cliché.
I have a feeling that I read this before somewhere
Especially the “Back when the sky was blue” part
I’d be surprised if I’m the first person to say it. If you find your source though, let me know, would be interested in reading it.
First off, weird to point out that they’re “age appropriate”
If your kid reads above the age level and understands it that’s generally a good thing
Number two I don’t get why this is such a weird concept on how to explain things to a child. Seems pretty normal and “age appropriate”
Not only that, it’d be better to ask the kid why oxygen tanks are needed on spacecraft, then ask why we don’t need them here on earth.
It’s a weird post, in general.
Yep. I was reading at a 6th grade level in 1st grade, and had advanced to university level comprehension by 5th grade. WTF was an “age appropriate book?”
I’m pretty sure that those people would have been incensed, if they knew that I chose TLotR as my 1st grade book report. (This was in 1985, so while there was an animated movie, it didn’t cover the entire three books, so I had to read them.)
I assumed age appropriate was regarding content not difficulty. It is still a weird thing to emphasize though.
It always strikes me regarding the mental gymnastics people engage in regarding consumption of entertainment. Violent video games*, even if it’s cartoon violence, tv and movies are everywhere. But people clutch their pearls if it’s in a book format. The world is ending if it’s sexual. Hell, Utah just banned Judy Blume books.
*I’m not condemning video games, study after study has proven that violence in games doesn’t lead to violent behavior, just that we find violence in games acceptable vs people losing their shit over a girl getting her period in a book for YA’s.
Technically only one Judy Bloom book, but your point still stands and I agree. It’s pretty bizarre.
They undoubtedly wouldn’t approve of the content of some of the books I was reading back then either. I had already learned the extremely broad strokes around sex and reproduction by the first grade. My parents have a farm with livestock. I was also reading computer manuals learning how to be a greyhat, before the term even existed.
I’m extremely impressed that you were able to read and understand LotR at 7 years old. i read them at 15 and loved them, but definitely had trouble at the council of the elves etc
Yeah, I was one of those “gifted” kids. I’m not sure that it helped anything other than depression and anxiety, but I’m still here, watching as things get even stupider.
I’m not cynical, you’re being silly.
So, where do I find this dad, as opposed to, “Dunno, ask yer mom, and fetch me a
bud lightcoors.”?They’re what you call “nerds.”
They make great partners, because their spirits come pre-broken.
And they tell you to get whiskey or rum, not Coors.
Or a Coors. Who cares. It’s alcohol.
Also how many whys does it take to get to the big bang and final we can’t know before popping we need better instruments or math so difficult it’s impossible for even mathematicians to pretend to make sense of besides ‘maybe, the math works anyway.’
Almost everywhere…if all the men in your life are really that shitty it’s time to prioritize getting the fuck out of whatever community you’re stuck in.
I was both of those dads.
“Go get me a beer and let’s figure out the answer to your question!”
Phytoplanktons be like, what’d he say fuck me for (^_-)
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Never been a big fan of kids, but for some reason this post clicked with me. I think I get it.
Why? To deny them bacon and eggs and instead hand them dehydrated bananas on whole grain pancakes?
you seem angry
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I had reached reddit account #105 (±, obviously skipping 88, 69 was taken, so was 100, etc.) when I made the account.
I think my last one on reddit was #145.
Oh look, it’s buzz-Killington.
“Not on this planet… yet.”
Or if you want to go full crash course, “For now, but that hasn’t always been the case and might not be in another million years” and explain things like Oxygen Collapse/Great Oxygenation during the proterozoic when oxygen levels first shot up and killed off a ton of oxygen-hating things.
Aim her at Asimov and Clarke.
Not on this planet… Yet
You know that lil mf reading the expanse.