Here’s the thing: you’re right to feel that way depending on your surroundings. I work in construction in Texas (and kinda look the part) and it is astonishing how many people are willing to buy into bullshit, and expect you to do the same, because that’s what everyone else does. Finding another family that isn’t gargling right wing propaganda, “god-fearing”, or just one brand of asshole is so difficult around here.
Since our children were born we have been increasingly intolerant of all that nonsense. This has unfortunately led to our support system dwindling away because we aren’t willing to compromise on the morale standards we want our kids exposed to.
Me - be white and wear my veteran’s hat for no reason other than it’s one of the few out there that’s actually comfortable to wear.
Random conservatives - racism mode go!
I usually make one attempt to highlight their stuff, see if they’re self aware at all, and then excuse myself from the conversation. Otherwise they always, and I mean every time, accuse me of stolen valor when they figure out I’m not a conservative.
Yeah apparently being white and having a beard with a hint of unfortunate RBF is enough to signal racist around here. The toughest part is when it’s coming from your professional superiors.
Yes, white male here. I can’t tell you how many times I end up alone with some stranger, who looks at me, and decides “yeah, this guy is cool with me being openly racist”. Don’t have a beard, no tatts, nothing on my person that would indicate any political/social position, so I guess being a white dude is enough.
Man, it makes me sad that there are people who feel this way. My friends and family all support research and facts and are willing to accept any that challenges their preconceptions. To anyone stuck with friends and family that doesn’t support them or is willing to accept reality, my heart goes out to you.
I fear this is the wrong take on this issue. The rule communities should follow should not be “make sure to get the facts right so that you don’t excommunicate those who get the facts right”. It should be “don’t excommunicate people who get the facts wrong, because you never know if you got them right yourself and if you punish dissidents too hard you’ll never be able to shift toward the correct world view”.
I didn’t say we should excommunicate anyone who doesn’t get facts right, I simply said it was sad that people thought like this at all. I think we should all learn to change our preconceptions when presented with evidence against them and that we should help others to do the same.
I used to feel like this. not anymore.
I may have lost some friends, but I gained new ones. win-win imo
But we can’t even process reality as it is. Our brains can’t handle it and hallucinate the gaps. Someone who might think their opinions are based on reality might base it on a lie that their brain made up subconsciously. Hence why eyewitness statements are not treated as a cold hard fact.
Me and veganism relationships
The interesting thing is I can’t tell if you’re talking about yourself as vegan, others who are vegan, or veganism as a concept.
Nah it’s not you, it’s me phrasing my thoughts so no one understands shit
Oh it will happen too. But it’s worth it.
Dear everybody: Your heart is a irrational, stubborn, reactionary idiot. It makes some valid points, but it should always be weighed against what your brain has to say. And that’s assuming your brain isn’t also being an idiot at the time. Man us humans are stupid.
If a friend or familiar is not okay talking about a subject, or clashes horribly with you in the topic, just give the silence hint and find something else to talk about. But if this keeps hapening or he/she doesn’t take the hint my suggestion is to soft ghost the person to avoid leaving a bad taste.
It’s scary how often we’re asked to question reality. It’s equally scary how easy it is to just give in.
this is the exact reason why exile, excommunication, shunning, disfellowshipping, and all the rest are so effective. and a big reason people go along with glaringly wrong bullshit
And the internet has given the folks with wrongness in their heart an out to find communities who will act as a bulwark against internal progress. No one around you likes you because you’re an asshole? Go on 8chan and get validated
Blistering irony.
I’m terrified of just finding out that all I do is for nothing and nothing means anything at all.
This describes Christianity (to an extent). When I turned atheist (because I couldn’t believe in God/Jesus anymore, not because I didn’t want to) there is this very Church-shaped hole in your proverbial soul that needs time to close. It’s a very sobering, yet lonely, way to live life, but due to the internet you don’t find yourself lonely for too long, but I imagine it used to be a pretty terrifying way to live life pre-internet.
I am lucky my Christian family still loves me, and I know they only proselytize to me (every now and then) because they care.
Agnotology is a very interesting way of studying this. Also, I’m vegan.