too bad it only matters what the 1% want. can’t wait to see what those 62% will do when their retirement money gets pillaged too. spoiler alert: nothing
i wish everyone would get rid of the assumption that the constitution will protect you
“that’s unconstitutional!!!” doesn’t mean jack shit anymore
ok… explain to me why trump and elmo are making such a hard push to switch from dollars to bitcoin?
the federal reserve does whatever tf it wants. have you ever heard of anyone telling them what to do, and them doing it?
unacceptable for trump
you’ve got a few weeks to stock up on non perishable food, before a) tariffs make imported crops prices skyrocket; and b) deportations = US crops rot in the fields because no one’s there to harvest it = supply plummets = price skyrockets
this will all, of course, be blamed on the mexicans, blacks, gays, women, democrats, etc., and of course, magas will lap it up like hogs at the trough
dictators and their goons don’t like central banks and their fiat currency that, no matter how much “money” you have, it’s their money
they’re desperately fishing for info from homeless people. because $50K is a king’s ransom when you’re sitting on $0
they would be inundated with bogus “tips” if the reward were $5.00
all of this just demonstrates that they don’t have the first goddamn clue
obviously fake, since the people who can afford to be alive don’t do “sorry.” about anything
we ah all bri’ish
i’ll bet they get issued like 10 rounds each for those giant helical mags
i absolutely adore that i haven’t seen a single meme, post, or comment that isn’t ruthlessly shitting on this fucking guy
don’t worry, the people who continually vote this unregulated trainwreck into existence want to repeal obamacare, but want to keep their ACA
good luck trying to get everyone you talk to to get on board, with everyone just going about life as if we haven’t just switched to fascist dictatorship
the vast, vast majority of people didn’t care about the surveillance when snowden spelled it out; they don’t care now, and they won’t ever care
men denying their sensitivity
mostly this, but
men being too sensitive?
for too many men apparently any amount of sensitivity is too much
but from my experience, it’s the guys who are most obsessed with how their manliness is perceived by the rest of the world who are the most sensitive of all. and they’re also the most miserable
he tried to change my point from “it’s stressful to try and act all invincible tough guy all the time” into some juvenile disparaging insult about all men being ‘snowflakes’
it’s a common thing for people to get offended by a comment and then try to attack some point that was never stated in the comment. so common that even saying “strawman” anymore is almost a cliche
as a man, i can tell you it is possible to re-examine those things that cause you to get upset–and when you take the time to do it, you’ll realize that 99% of the things men get butthurt about a) don’t matter in the slightest; and b) aren’t going to be changed by anyone’s huffing and puffing about it, but will more likely just get worse
do you always just make up completely different meanings for the things you read? or only when it’s something about men being sensitive and trying to pretend not to be?
it’s stressful, spending a lifetime pretending to not be as sensitive as a de-scrotum’d testicle
everyone’s got something they’ll spend extra money on just for its looks. increasingly though, people are realizing that the $150 plates aren’t doing any better of a job holding their dinner than the $20 walmart plates
not only that, but the idea that you need a different plate for bread, a plate for entree, a plate for salad, a plate for pasta–it’s asinine. gotta be one of the bigger scams of the industrial age. same thing with utensils: you’ve got your dinner fork, dessert fork, fish fork, salad fork, fruit fork, and on and on. um excuse me, fuck all that noise, give me 1 plate and 1 fork, and call me an uncultured philistine if it makes everyone feel better, but i’m not buying all that crap
i remember when my store manager came to work with her brand new razr phone, thinking all us peons would be like “ooooh aaaah i wish i was you even more now!!!”