Also, thank you for posting and commenting and making such an exciting community thrive!
I love seeing familiar faces. It’s like talking to your neighbors. I feel it’s an investment. :)
I share your sentiment. I feel optimistically productive while posting, at least some of the time
I check in throughout the day and scroll a little when I get in-between sorts of moments, also watching for notifications. It’s still just fitting into my regular day though, a couple minutes here, a couple minutes there.
It’s actually a lot better than reddit for that, since there isn’t as much activity, so I seldom get sucked deeply in like you can with something with endless content.
What else am I supposed to do at work?
A while ago, I had A LOT of free time to shitpost on social media, and I was beginning to miss it.
I don’t have as much time anymore. 😭
I’m sorry for your loss.
Claw that free time back.
my job doesn’t pay me enough to care about it for the entire time i’m working
Nice, here’s to hoping you can whittle down the few hours you are not on Lemmy even further.
I have a very irregular work schedule, resulting in a lot of free time punctuated by periods of intense crunch. It’s not unusual for me to have a few weeks at a time just empty of work.
I post my hobby/sidegig tabletop commission projects, since I’d have been working on them even without Lemmy. Then since in real life I come across many odd things in my traveling, I’ll make sure to snap some photos.
Then I just have a daily habit of browsing certain sites and feeds related to various Lemmy communities and linking to Lemmy whatever catches my eye.
What commissions do you do and in what community do you post them?
Tabletop miniatures. I post in [email protected] and [email protected]
Most new OC I post there is a commission.
I’ve been on summer break since May. Started back Monday and I’m very very angry with our new ‘leadership’ team, so I spend every possible minute browsing my phone. My other activity is deciding on the words I’ll say and what song will play as i drop a match behind me on my way out.
“Oh, I forgot…”
drops match
Cue “It’s getting boring by the sea” by blood red shoes.
That’s a good continual conundrum.
Happy judgments to you.
I have a bad habit of leaving comments when I want to leave none ever. So comments >0 is too many by my own reckoning. I have the free time because depression. I make these comments because I’ve lost my self control in that respect
I seem to compulsively leave comments as well, I think they help give body to the community.
Its good Lemmy work
That’s a good way to look at it lol, I’m contributing to the Lemmy fluff. Someone will read it and eat 5 seconds of their time, thus contributing to the goal of Lemmy; wasting time
Wating time Learning!
Constant cultural and empathetic expansion!
Code’s compiling, ADD
The best XKCD
This is my go-to “too long to stare at the wall, but not long enough to play a phone game” time waster.
Other than some jerks that I’ve blocked, being on here reminds me of the old / early days of reddit…before it became Spez’s money mill. I find Lemmy to be fairly informative and entertaining. We have a long way to go before becoming a substantial archive of knowledge, but it’s kind of exciting to see it slowly grow.
As for having free time: I browse Lemmy while watching baseball games and during various points of down-time throughout the day / week.
I agree about Lemmy feeling like the early days of Reddit, I’m much more meaningfully engaged here than most of my time on reddit.
I feel like I’m actually talking to people here.
Same. While I wish the user base was larger, I’ve been impressed with some of the answers people have provided to folks needing advice. Also, some of the discussions around news and current events are insightful / thought-provoking.
So much of this! Someone made a comment about an Ovaltine decoder ring and i laugh about that at least once per week.
They don’t pay me enough at my job so I gotta find something to do while they aren’t paying me enough to do my job.
I get bored easily and had a huge Reddit addiction that I’m slowly weaning off of with Lemmy. Now I mix my time between Lemmy, online Manga, and doing little projects on my phone.
Post on company time 😉
Thoracic spinal damage is super rare. The thoracic region is the area where your ribs connect. It isn’t like the lumbar spine you likely associate with back problems. It usually requires external sources of traumatic injury to cause problems. Unlike typical back problems, thoracic damage can greatly impact posture; not just in the sense of ‘hold your shoulders back and don’t slouch’ bad posture. This is more like, what you associate with bad posture is somewhat related to fatigue, but you’re likely unaware of how much continuous strength you actually have that underpins your ability to remain upright. These muscles are still engaged even when you are reclining above around a 45° angle, just to a lesser extent, and certainly in use while sitting upright or standing. When the thoracic spinal region is chronically damaged, holding posture above 45° can become like lifting a 1 kg dumbbell in your outstretched arm at shoulder height. I can hold posture and situp or stand, but it hurts from the moment I start. By 30 minutes it is painful enough for me to lose the focus to read and comprehend well. By 1 hour in, I’m unable to think clearly over the background noise of the pain. Taking pain meds and muscle relaxers doesn’t change anything about my condition. It just makes me care less or less self aware. I am here most often because there is a position I can sit in that allows me to fully relax my back while holding a phone. I spend my up time doing other things, I can sit with my computer in bed longer or hold up a novel size book okay. This is a profoundly lonely existence to deal with long term. I’m often hurting too much to really talk anyways. I need the filter of text to piece my thoughts together and feel like I am myself. In a lot of ways I let this place fill a fundamental social need. I don’t expect people to understand. I simply have no access to escape this situation and be myself.
I honestly expected more answers to be like this.
Glad you’re here and glad there’s a position you can find some relief and still get some solid community/social engagement and dumb memes.
I think a lot depends on the degree a person is stuck dealing with issues. If I could ever let go of the pain, I wouldn’t talk about it or want to. For me it is like stupid annoying background music I have to shout over to think or do anything. Thanks though.
Did you post recently about concerts? I’ve been thinking about that and how difficult that would be.
I didn’t post about concerts. I don’t follow, sorry.
Sorry. My mistake. Someone recently posted that they had a medical condition that severely limited their outings and the thing they missed most was attending concerts.
No problem. Heck I miss the grocery store, or any chance to interact with real people without being weird or at least weirder than normal. I look fine, and try to mask the pain, but it just comes across as awkward and I end up hurting for days when I push harder. Getting dressed and traveling to a concert is hell for me. I hope whoever it was gets the chance to live their dreams through.