Started as a shower thought (literally in the shower), but decided to make it more open-ended.
My answer to this would be “watch future seasons of anime that I am waiting on”.
I don’t see how that could cause a huge ripple through time.
The world has yet to notice me traveling one day into the future every 24 hours.
Let’s just say no one’s noticed anything yet
I wrote a novel where in future people time travel back in time to watch movies in the theater like the original Star Wars. It’s book one of a series.
It’s book one of a series.
So naturally it’s called part IV, right?
Lol that’s nice idea but don’t think it work.
“Alright, it says my microwave meal takes four minutes…”
Watch Primer, that’s the whole point of the movie, how a couple of engineers who discover time travel try to profit from it while causing the least impact possible.
Also easily my favorite time travel movie by a long shot, and I’m a time travel movie fan.
Isn’t that the one where the guys who are supposed to be engineers do not even seem to know what a capacitor or battery is? Like they unplug the device and it is still showing signs of being “on”, and they say “what does that?” to imply it must be time travel.
I very rarely stop watching movies. I have suffered through some awful movies. But this was so stupid I just couldn’t continue. Me and my partner now have a running joke where if we unplug like a power cord with a little light powered by a capacitor then we point to it and go “look, time travel”.
The guy who wrote the movie is a mathematician who’s worked as a programmer, I studied years of electrical engineering before switching to computer science, and doing a masters in Material Engineering, Perhaps it’s you who didn’t understood something.
I looked up that part of the movie again to see exactly what you were talking about, they’re putting 24V into the machine, but the machine is using more than 24V, even after they unplug it the machine is still pulling more than 24V, perhaps you missed the point that they’re looking at a voltmeter (which is never shown on screen), which one of them suggest it’s busted and the other tells him that he’s tried 3 others. Or perhaps you missed the point that they built the machine, so they know what’s in there, they know the machine shouldn’t be doing that, so when they ask “What does that?” it means “What part of it does that?” or “What’s making it do that?” and not “What other things do that?”, the phrase can be interpreted both ways, but only one of them makes sense. The thing is that the movie doesn’t try to hold your hand and explain things in detail, the engineers talk like engineers, and that’s a very valid question in that situation, in fact I’ve asked that exact same question of several programs, it’s a very common question to ask when trying to understand what’s the cause for something.
And no, they’re not hinting at time travel there, in fact they go for days not knowing what the machine does, if you had bothered to keep watching you would know the process of them discovering time travel is a lot longer than that, that’s just the first mystery behavior from the box, which in fact has nothing to do with time travel but just an inherent way of how the box powers up and down, because it takes time to get into and out of the feedback loop.
Time travel to 12 hours ago so I can get more sleep
Future time travellers going back in time to the moment the first time machine was invented to figure out how that one worked because in the future theirs suck and are locked down to prevent abuse.
We are all travelling through time right now with very little impact.
Yes I know, I suck.
Anthropology while cloaked, as the Temporal Prime Directive requires
Go back in time and prevent your time machine from working.
Nice tight little loop. Minimal interference, hopefully.
You’re evil. I approve!
By doing it in the vastness of empty space.
Going forward at all seems less harmful than going back, but perhaps more dangerous.
Agreed, but going forward would also then open the risk of trying to capitalise on/prevent what you saw, once you return to your present, which probably wouldn’t end well.
Safer way would probably be going forward and staying there, like another comment said. Maybe use it to skip boring stuff, like waiting in line at the DMV, or waiting for your food to be served, etc.
That’s the story of the movie “Click”
If it were ever possible, I’d say, just as an observer. There are lots of things I’d love to experience for the first time again but I personally have little desire to change the past.
Going forward three days to when it’s $2 beer night at the bar.
He said unimportant not financially responsible. Either way be sure to fast and sell plasma, so you have the needed cash and get the most effect from the blue ribbons.
Traveling a second back in time to scratch that itch before it even happens. Maybe going back in time to tell yourself not to order that taco bell. Skipping forward in time to skip a hot pocket cooking in the microwave. Traveling a couple of minutes into the future to skip a boring conversation with the officer that pulled you over.
Here’s the real question, if it’s possible to time travel isn’t it just part of the timeline even if it doesn’t seem like it. If you could traverse forward and backwards in time like a tape deck isn’t it already laid out including all of the time traveling you’ll ever do.