+1 to being rude to service staff Also MAGA apparel or citing Jesus/God constantly
It depends. I run a bar and also frequent bars. I see a lot of behavior from wait staff I’d fire them for. Wait staff endlessly bitch about customers but its a two way street, staff develops a blind spot to their own behavior due to spending so much time in a bar.
Use the word “Woke” (Or “Progre” in my language) Unironically.
Who do you mean by this?
Dogwhistle for “I hate people tackling social issues and think we should go back to women being controlled and abused, and men being miserable all day at work, while we completely disregard queer and children’s mental health”.
Or at least, it gets used that way by people who don’t use it as a reclamation term in a positive sense.
Historically it is a term used positively, for example in the expression ‘stay woke’ (1930s). So it is not really a reclamation, but rather a recent relegation by right wing people to a negative connotation. I have however heard some people legitimately use it in a positive manner, and some further reading on the Wikipedia page seems to support that even recently there are political leaders using it in a pro-racial equity sense.
I am aware of the positive origins of the word “Woke”. However, in colloquial usage, it is always used in a derogatory way. And it is usage that dictates the norm, whether we like it or not.
Rudeness to cashiers, wait staff, housekeepers, children or elderly people. If you are mean or rude to these people I assume you think you matter more based on social standing, and can’t be bothered to even be polite. At that point I don’t care if you are nice to me.
Smoking cigarettes
Does this apply to vape and weed?
Yes, but not to the same degree.
- Right-wing
- Cluster-B traits
- *-ist, *-phobe
- Prescriptive gender roles
- Smokes
What is cluster B?
What about Claustro-, Arachno-, Haemo-, etc.phobes? Or Cyclists or Scientists?
Cluster B personality disorders - most commonly known for borderline and narcissistic PDs.
Impossible to work with or fix. Just run. Fast.
OK what about vapes though.
Still discusting.
^^ end of thread here
Cluster-B traits are the bane of my existence.
"Have you ever heard of Jordan Peterson?"
“That depends…what do you mean by have, what do you mean by you and what do you mean by heard of?”
Having a shitty attitude about anything.
It just seems like you’re not able to enjoy things because you’re just a sour person.
Someone that takes abstract statements personally and responds in anger. It shows a lack of self awareness and depth. It also implies that they have a limited binary view of the world around them; a bipolar me versus others perspective outlook.
Compliments me by insulting everybody else.
“It’s so cool that you X. Everybody not in the room sucks because they don’t do X”
Just leave that second sentence off please.
Far right or far left. Both obnoxious. How hard is it to do what’s right for people and not have to be on either end of a fucking seesaw?
Some of us have held our political opinions since before 2016. We’re much more bearable, even those of us on the far left. I firmly believe people need to go through an obnoxious political phase. It’s just way more normal to go through it in high school/college. But will it be just a phase when people are going through it in their adulthood? I dunno. But I guess we’ll have to find out the hard way.
I was so apathetic in my early voting years, so I guess I’m doing my weird political thing in mid-life.
I mean, it’s great that people are getting more involved and aware. But I think the combination of the explosion of political awareness with the current state of discourse thanks to social media/the devolution of the right into petty, bald-faced, reactionary rage (some of you may not have been around for this, but the right used to have a mask over their petty reactionary rage) has made for a noxious cocktail of nothing of value ever being discussed.
Now, was it more frustrating when they were less open about their intentions? Sure. Because it felt like shouting at a wall. And it was more “boring” to be politically aware. But under those wraps we had the patriot act, PNAC, intelligent neocons playing politics way more competently, and a serious problem with somehow even less conscientious democrats.
But now we have companies operating blanket eavesdropping via apps/home aid/LLMs (and the patriot act is still hanging around), project REDMAP/Project 2025, less than intelligent far right lunatics not understanding how to play politics, and democrats playing conscientious for appearances while still being, at best, useless neoliberals and at worst, reactionaries themselves.
Things have changed, and not for the better. Add on top of that discourse deteriorating into nonsense while everyone throws their hat in the mix with their uninformed opinions…it’s a depressing landscape. So, I don’t know if people can grow out of that obnoxious, I’ll-informed political stage because that’s just politics now.
Definitely a skewed signal to noise ratio, which at this point feels intentional. Politics felt far more boring in the before-fore, but I think most of that was me not paying close enough attention.
I had a casual conversation with ChatGPT a while back about how this level of political division is unprecedented in the country (I guess I conveniently forgot about the civil war during this), and the response was basically “Everybody says that in every era,” so I wonder if I just have too narrow a focus. I should look into that…
What if an opinion held on the far end of the spectrum is what is actually right for people? Do you dismiss it because of being on the end of the fucking seesaw?
Obviously. Im just not dumb enough to put myself in a box.
Showing they are dumb (believing conspiracy theories, Maga, repeating nonsense)
Being racist, judgy, overall nasty with people
Being nasty to animals
Being conservative, being rude and impatient, not understanding that people are human and sometimes just make errors.
Bad breath
Edit: for anyone who has this problem… just see your doctor or dentist. You don’t need to suffer . It’s curable.
My co worker has straight gum rot, like a few millimeter layer where the gums meet their teeth that’s all whiteish green and they have horrendous breath I can smell 15 feet down wind of the AC system. This is due to their horrible personal hygiene, he has a wife with good teeth, I don’t know how she kisses him, I would vomit.
He’s only in his early 30’s and also just had to get one of his K9 teeth pulled out.
I really don’t know whether to upvote or downvote. Upvoted because I feel you are a kindred spirit, but not for that person…no, not ever.
A hidden switch on their hip.
Can you elaborate on that?
they dated vicki from small wonder.