Metric system, right-hand traffic, ISO 8601, high taxes on the rich, someone’s power being used as a multiplier in punishment.
I like the Scandinavian system of fines for breaking the law. They’re scaled based on your annual income so a speeding ticket isn’t just a fee for the wealthy.
AFAIK, of the Scandinavian countries it’s only Finland that has that system.
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- All software that is to be used on the public should be Free and Open Sourced in a GPL style license.
- No death penalty
above two violations are punishable by death!
If you’re condemned with death penalty you’re already dead, so they can’t kill you for that duuuh
Modern problems require modern solutions
all media and advertising shall have the same loudness
I’m not an audio engineer, but this might be hard to execute.
Hard to execute
Nice, I see what you did there.
Talking with your phone on speaker in public. Off with your head!
Tailgating. It’s gonna kill you eventually so let’s streamline the process.
Also fuck you, especially when I’m in a god damned exit lane.
So you would standardize tailgating so that everyone has to do it?
Housing for everyone.
Standardize? I mean can we just get America on the metric system?
Recipes in concrete metric units, preferably mass instead of volume. Recipes come together incredibly quickly when measuring out ingredients can just be dump-tare-dump-tare-dump instead of trying to get sticky ingredients like tahini out of a measuring cup.
More torx screws. There are apparently some uses for phillips, but torx are criminally underused.
That’s a good one. I feel like either torx or square drives should be chosen and all consumer facing screws should be one of, say, 10 sizes.
And you can apply for a permit to use other sizes, but even that is gonna cost you like a couple days in jail.
I would add that all recipes must use the common professional standard format with ingredients and their amount at the top, preferably alongside the required equipment followed by the estimated prep time and cook time followed by the consecutive step-by-step listed instructions.
My brother was getting one of meal subscriptions akin to Blue Apron and there was never any rhyme or reason to the format, content, or layout of the included recipe instructions. -An egregious oversight.
I also have heard that when torx heads become stripped they turn into hex heads. I’ve never investigated this claim, though.
Politicians who lie to their constituents.
A relaxing cat shall not be disturbed
Let kids skateboard.
Not if they’re going to disturb the relaxing cat.
I would be a terrifying and bloodthirsty Supreme Leader for sure… 😏
That is why we should prevent human beings from holding too much power.
I am the ultimate vermin, so… Mandatory tooth brushing, and ponies for all.
All hail @[email protected] The First of His Name, the Undomesticated People Mover, Giver of Ponies
Finally, I feel like I’ve scrolling for days to find this oasis.
Nothing. I’m against the death penalty
Crocs. Fuck your ugly, very gross-looking wannabe sandal. And why the fuck do they always look like you just pulled them from a landfill, and marinated them in toxic waste?
International Fixed calendar The year had 13 months plus one new holiday. Each month is 28 days.