I haven’t met anyone yet who does and I haven’t read any good endorsements about foldable phones but I keep seeing advertisement for foldable phones.


  • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Hi, i have said this in my own response but i just wanted to say. As someone who has had the fold 3 since launch and used it for the past 3 years. I can assure you, the crease is not an issue. You cant see it when you are using the phone. It doesnt feel uncomfortable when your finger passes over it (if anything its smooth and feels quite nice) and i forget its there 99% of the time. The 1% of the time that i notice it, i dont think “godni wish that wasnt there” i barely even acknowledge it. Because it doesnt matter.

    I appreciate that its a worry when you havent used one. It was for me when i got one. Until i realised it doesnt matter.

    After using the phone for 3 years the crease is the same as its ever been and i would happily provide photo evidence of that if you or anyone else doesnt believe me.