Thee shouldst not useth plain language in thy comments.
I thought using proper grammar and syntax was a good thing?
Yond shouldst beest ‘I bethought using prop’r grammar and syntax wast a valorous thing?’
The written rules are written in the sidebar. Do you really care about unwritten rules?
Yes because I don’t want to get banned over something stupid.
If you see a post with an article about something stupid Microsoft is doing or testing. You are legally obligated to go into the comments and make a post that says “DAE use Lanix?!”
Don’t make low-effort posts on Ask Lemmy, a la what you’d see on Reddit
The only unwritten rule I know of is “be civil”. I’ve yet to see those typical reddit replies of: “You’re wrong about everything and should die you fucking bag of cunt hammers!” (Except from the guy that will respond to this post with that exact phrase)
bag of cunt hammers literally lol …Mind if I steal that?
Don’t mention landlords, unless followed by “… deserve the guillotine.”