“confuses” is different from “misspeaks” though…
I know my bar has dropped a lot, but he spoke for an hour and fielded questions. He was pretty damn coherent, and knew what the fuck he was talking about defending his foreign policy decisions, etc. it kinda sucks all of that is boiled down to he said the wrong name.
I want him to step aside for another candidate. His “bad debate night” was scary as fuck. But this article is ridiculous.
he spoke confidently on a range of complex issues from the tax code and trade policy to Russia and the Israel-Hamas war.
Were you and I watching the same presser? He had moments of brilliance, but his fumbles were apparent throughout the night.
He sounded punch drunk.
Don’t disagree that he’s embarrassingly old, but the gaffes were always part of the deal with Biden, going back to the 1990s.
Yeah this is a bullshit headline. He said the wrong thing. Just way less concerning than what is implied.
Well the headline isn’t factually wrong, and no, 99% of any one actually watched the debate.
The headline was possible because of Biden. And honestly, this wasn’t even his worst mistake of the press conference.
That god-awful final answer… It was basically him saying he’s too arrogant to step down in time for us to get a candidate into place that can win. He’s losing in the polling now and refuses to acknowledge it.
I had him slightly in the W column prior to that final answer. He went back into the L column with that final answer.
Another banger was “I have a higher approval rate in Israel than here”
Oh fuck I forgot about that one.
Yes. You are very popular in a country which has become a global pariah and is why you have effectively lost support entirely with any one under the age of 30.
It’s almost like he’s torpedoing his campaign on purpose. Optics wouldn’t be as important if the US had mandatory voting, meaning even alienated voters would either vote Biden or Third Party more often than the Trump crowd, but he’s killing voter interest in general.
2024 will be 2016 - 2.
I mean he’s been Presidenting in a vaccuum until now. Biden is clueless, and its only now that reality is catching up with him.
So who are people under 30 supporting? Trump? Not voting or some third candidate also is a vote for Trump.
I mean, I want to take you seriously, but at the same time, I have a hard time believing that any one is this naive.
Its not, nor has it ever been, a binary choice. You may be broken internally an incapable of seeing as anything otherwise, but its not that way for most people.
This election is, and always has been, between Biden and the couch. There is no new information that we can learn about Trump that will stop his voters from voting for him.
No “Likely Biden” voter is ever going to vote for Trump. No Trump voter will ever vote for Biden. This dye was cast in 2015.
Biden needs to drive votership and most of what he’s done in his campaign so far has been to drive votership away from him.
Biden needs to secure leftwing voting blocks like the youth vote. Its the youth vote that put him into office in 2020, along with black women in GA.
Instead, he has pushed the youth vote away with his straight up genocidal policies on Gaza, and fascist policies on free speech on college campuses.
*corrected, meant GA
From what I know about the USA’s system it is binary - while you technically have more than two candidates it’ll be one of the major two (republican or democrat) who’ll win. So not voting or voting for a third party (which has no chance of getting elected(?)) means you don’t change anything, and if Trump wins without those blocks then that means you’re indirectly supporting him, simply by not opposing him with the only realistic option you have.
Please correct me if I’m wrong
Thank you for asking, I personally love Chase Oliver https://votechaseoliver.com/ on the ballot in all 50, the establishment wants you to think its a waste while they support Brain Worm RFK who is only on 18 state’s ballots and say debates should only be Trump and Biden for clarity 🙄. Sir if they already silence us, why would you help them? And why would they even see the need to silence us as a plus?
It is a factually wrong headline.
The final answer had me screaming… “What?!? No one is telling you that it isn’t likely you’ll beat Trump?” He’s like… Well, if the polls show me in the negative… Someone needs to show him the polls.
A complete and utter detachment from reality. Like, JOE. You are fucking losing this election for everyone. And the fact that he doesn’t know or acknowledge it…
No the headline is correct.
Biden walked off the stage and apparently people were screaming Zelensky instead of Putin so then Biden walked back and corrected it.
Ah yes, he actually thought that they are the same people and that Trump has actually been his VP. Yep. That. It’s not a slip of the tongue, nope, it’s advanced dementia. /s
Run Harris. Run Newsom. Run Obama. Run Kennedy. Hell, run Gore.
There’s so many options here. This is the DNC’s election to lose.
would u guys vote for me if they ran me
Do you have a pulse and aren’t a fascist? Probably. The bar is exceptionally low here.
crap. ever since i was a little kid i dreamed of being a fascist. dream = shattered :(
It’s ok, be a pedophile and lie endlessly and you can still get into office apparently.
dream = restored!!!
have any advice for getting started in those options?
Hear me out. I don’t love him, but mayor Pete.
To call Zelenskyy “President Putin” at that critical moment was offensive and totally unacceptable.
Calling Kamala “Vice President Trump” is kind of hilarious though.
Both of these together paint a troubling picture. Why is Biden confusing people who are supposed to be his closest allies with those who are considered to be his bitter rivals? This was supposed to be his big press conference where he proves he’s still mentally fit to be president, and he totally blew it. Somebody get him outta there, Biden isn’t fit to be president and the sooner we can admit that and move on the better it will be for this country. The gaslighting in full denial of this is incredibly dangerous, and likely driven by whoever it is that’s actually in charge and wants to stay that way (all signs point to Jill Biden, who last I checked was not elected president.)
Apparently Biden has not had a full cabinet meeting since last year. These are the people who can invoke 25th amendment on him, and it’s looking extremely suspicious all of a sudden that he’s been avoiding them, and for such an insanely long period of time too!
For those of us who have had to support an elder family member through times of mental decline, the condition is extremely apparent now, and the administration can no longer hide it. Elders often resist or get angry when confronted about necessary changes, but it’s for their own good. In this case, it’s also so we can ward off a fascist takeover of the US. Come on dem leadership, it’s time to actually be the adults in the room and handle this.
Yes, it was embarrassing. As soon as he said it I literally winced in pain. It was bad.
But. And of course there’s a but. He even addressed later in the conference that him misspeaking should not over shadow the results he’s getting. And he’s getting results.
Man has stated he’s had speech problems loong before he ran for president. Like, still a kid in school stuttering times. He sucks with names. That’s an unfortunate fact. But why does that trump (pun intended) everything else?
Here’s Biden in the 2008 debate against Sarah Palin. https://youtu.be/4Hs7CptPWI4?si=ygyXTtMIiNwfAPYa
There’s no “stutter.” He’s nailing his talking points, stringing them together fluently. The Biden of today is unrecognizable.
At the same time, it’s not like Kamala is going to beat Trump. And they won’t let Bernie get the nomination.
Bro, if your answer to all this is Bernie you’re so far off in lala land there’s no point in arguing with you.
And that’s coming from someone who donated heavily to his campaign haha
Bernie was the most popular candidate in 2016 until the DNC booted him for Hillary. And Bernie is still coherent.
Look. I love Bernie. I honestly wish he was in charge, things would be a million times better. He was popular online. And with peolle we would mainly talk to
Unfortunately that’s not most voters. And replacing Biden with someone he’s already beat shows no strength, especially when you’re replacing him because he’s old and the replacement is almost as old.
I would love to feel the Bern but that’s not possible now :(
This is how Bernie can still win!
His speech impediment is bullshit. Where was it when he was Obama’s VP? Where was it in the Senate?
Still with him. He only had to talk like 10 times a year then though so it wasn’t as noticeable
I grew up with a stutter. I still have it if I don’t watch the pace of my speech. My uncle is the same way, but a more severe case. This is not someone with a stutter:
What it is, is someone who is not dealing with senility.
You sent a highlight of him talking in the past and want to compare it to him talking now like it’s a fair fight?
Look. We know he’s old. Nobody is arguing against that. Is his stuttering worse now with his age, yes. Unfortunately. But his gaffs while speaking are not going to distract me too much from what he’s actually doing
My point is that you can’t conceal his obvious senility by calling it a stutter. Yes, Trump needs to be prevented from gaining power, and were Biden to win a second term, the next four years would be better for the universe than if Trump were to win.
Regardless, it is looking exceedingly unlikely that Biden will be President on Jan 21, 2025, so he should step aside for someone who has a realistic prayer of actually being President on January 21.
Because it’s clearly more than a fucking speech impediment or random words he misspoke a few times. People have eyes. No amount of spin is going to change the reality that he’s an elderly man whose brain is slowly fucking degenerating in real time in front of our eyes.
He was right about jobs going up. He was right about strengthening NATO. He was correct about the Border being more secure. He said he wants to fight greedy corporations and scummy land lords. How is all that over looked?
Use you’re eyes to see what he’s actually saying. There was 3 or 4 gaffs after a day of talking to other world leaders on major world events. His actions speak louder than words
Is he perfect, no. Absolutely not. Still better than not only the other guy but any other alternative placed in front of us.
Absolutely agreed that he’s miles better than the alternative, and if forced to vote for him I will, but it’s not a good look for a party that markets itself as a sensible alternative to the dumpster fire that is the Republican party.
The man is clearly too old for the job and no amount of shining up the turd will make it anything other than a turd. Sure people will hold their nose and vote for it, but at the end of this whole thing, either way we’re all covered in shit. And the thing is, it doesn’t have to be that way.
If the party wanted someone diffrent they should have got someone else during the primaries. We all knew he was too old the first time. But, shockingly, he’s done a pretty alright job.
But there was still the chance to pass the torch earlier and it passed. If we fold now we old give into pressure by the Republicans. He’s doing a solid enough job. Replacing him now causes discourse withing the party and fuel their parties chants of how bad we are.
We know they already think he’s incompetent. Nothing will change that. They said he was old from the beginning. We know he’s old too. But he’s doing good.
Did he say that he’s going to immediately turn the U.S. into a Theocratic Dictatorship? No?
Then I do not give a single fuck, and people that do are probably bots. Fuck off Billionaire newspaper.
You’re the only one saying you want to help Trump win.
If I was trying to throw the election, I really can’t think of what I’d be doing differently right now.
There’s probably more one can do but Biden is clearly struggling to think clearly. It’s kinda standard now but ancient Dems clinging to power instead of retiring.
There are some situations that you just can’t “spin” your way out of
One thing that I love from this thread…the number of conservative trolls. They are fucking terrified that Biden is going to win. So bad that they are pushing this absolute bullshit of doubt and worry about Biden.
Anyone that’s actually paying attention to Biden knows that the dude has been getting shit done even with a stalled congress. Any one that’s even remotely paying attention to the election is literally not going to elect a fascist, and people are absolutely starting to pay attention. Look at the Project 2025 bullshit. Look at how much people are starting to realize how fucking serious this is. Even Trump has desperately tried to distance himself from it, and can’t seem to keep dodging now that speeches and videos of him talking about it starting to surface.
Bidens okay. Democrats have backed him. He’s not dropping out.