The eagles against guns are some of the biggest and most bad ass eagles on the planet.
They take sheep and roos too. And they don’t need their call dubbed over by a hawk screech to make it seem tougher than it is.
There is a red-tailed hawk that roams around my area, and every time we hear it, my wife rolls her eyes and goes “I KNOW it’s not an eagle” because of how many times I would mention it whenever the screech would play on TV or movies.
Pavlov would be proud. Amused too, probably 😁
“if you fuck with my liberty”*
*and by liberty I mean specifically don’t talk about mass shootings during campaign season. All other liberties are fair game so don’t bother being gentle just step on me hard please I like it.
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary
–Karl Marx
And all his ideas went over exactly as planned.
Guys - maybe widespread access to effortless line-of-sight killing tools also causes problems.
He was right about a lot of things and also wrong about a lot of things. This one falls squarely in the latter category.
Yes, proles. Give up your only means of fighting back. We promise your right to vote is strong enough to protect you from anything. The government that can’t keep its own cops under control will save you. Trust big brother.
Fucking delusional.
What’s fucking delusional is thinking that a bunch of civilians armed with handguns and rifles could ever match a modern military should it come to violent revolution or, alternatively, that arming civilians with the kind of weaponry that WOULD do the trick isn’t just a recipe for needless slaughter.
What’s fucking delusional is thinking that a bunch of civilians armed with handguns and rifles could ever match a modern military should it come to violent revolution
You just have to make it expensive enough that the military doesn’t want to fight, and you need to have enough of the civilian population on your side that the gov’t can’t control them, too. As the gov’t commits atrocities against its’ own people in an attempt to crush a rebellion, it ends up creating more ideological rebels.
And anyways, you’ll note that the US has tended to get pretty fucked up when dealing with insurgencies and guerilla warfare where it can’t leverage air superiority. How many, say, Air Force pilots do you think will start refusing orders when they find out that their last ‘precision bombing’ run killed 150 children in a hospital?
Ah yes, so the only other option is to roll over, give up your freedom, and trust the government to protect you from everything. Solid logic there.
Nope, it categorically isn’t. That’s a strawman/false dichotomy combo so ridiculous that I doubt you’re actually sane enough to be entrusted with any weapon more dangerous than a camping spork.
Well I could show you my gun collection but at this point I’m fairly certain that you would just shit yourself in fear.
Anyway, have fun being unarmed with the state of the world today. The far right will continue stockpiling weapons and you’ll be knocking on the doors of guys like me if and when they finally decide to use them.
That’s the thing that you’re not getting bud. The far right isn’t going to be using their guns against the military or the government. They’re going to be using the guns against us.
Well I could show you my gun collection but at this point I’m fairly certain that you would just shit yourself in fear.
Typical ammosexual trait: can’t distinguish between common sense and cowardice 🙄
Anyway, have fun being unarmed with the state of the world today.
Thanks, I am and so is the vast majority of people in a radius of 1000+ miles from me.
The far right will continue stockpiling weapons
Because ridiculously lax laws and even more lax enforcement allows them to. They’re like politicians with bribes in that aspect.
you’ll be knocking on the doors of guys like me if and when they finally decide to use them.
Nah, I think I’ll just wait indoors until someone much more emotionally stable deals with it after your Rambo wannabe antics have gotten you killed.
The far right isn’t going to be using their guns against the military or the government. They’re going to be using the guns against us
And why is that? Because of the lack of laws, regulations, and enforcement. Not because wannabe tough guys like you don’t have enough penis extenders that go boom.
That’s the thing that you’re not getting, “bud”
I find it hilarious that these sickos suddenly support marx when he endorses their fetishes.
If Marx saw bump stocks cmags and all the other idiotic bullshit they use to murder children and innocents he’d call gun fetishists assholes and reassess.
Well there’s a reason why “bird brain” is an insult…
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My New York liberal partners path. Had a few scares in the city we live in from lock-ins and just the general shit that happens in a city. It never hurts to have them so long as you know how to use them. So please shoot and be a responsible gun owner this includes locking them up and having proper safety measures in place especially if you have little ones
What’s a gun license?
Define liberty. I find no liberty being enslaved to currency.
American gun culture grew out of murdering people and stealing their land and sustained itself on murdering people for talking to white women.
Not exactly. I can see why you’d say that, but Americans weren’t gun nuts until around the 1910s to 1920s. At that point the right wing decided they needed a better red herring than the Mexican Border, and started pushing the 2nd amendment bullshit they’ve been on ever since.
Interestingly, gun control laws were implemented to keep guns out of the hands of minorities. Gun control is literally racist.
Don’t correct me then repeat my point more poorly.
I didn’t. I corrected you and pointed out that it happened after we were done with expansionism.
You’re still doing it. Except to be clear: you didn’t point out shit. You said some vacuous “they needed a red herring” shit about the 2nd amendment without any explanation of why they did, why they picked that, or even really who they were. And you didn’t correct shit either. Aside from an equally vacuous “You’re wrong.”
Have something to say or shut up. Please.
I said what I had to say, succinctly. It’s not my fault you lack the historical knowledge, and grasp of nuance to know what I was talking about.
You seem rather angry, might wanna cut back on the stimulants or social media.
I literally said the same thing you did except I said more. What are you talking about. Fucking weirdo extraordinaire.