“And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” he said.
Spread this far and wide
The terrifying thing is that a sizable portion of this country reads this list and thinks it sounds like a great idea.
Some of it. I don’t know that even a sizable portion of this country wants to raise prescription drug prices. I also think a very small percentage wants to get rid of no fault divorce or contraception. Even most Catholics are fine with contraception. And use it too.
Raising the retirement age? I’d guess that their sizable voting bloc in their 60s wouldn’t be good with that.
Honestly, I think the more people learn about this, the more they will find things they don’t like about it. Even Republicans.
Even Republicans
Yeah, but they mean all that for other people, not me!
…hey, what’s that leopard staring at me for?
What’s scary to me is that a sizable portion of people don’t care.
I am hoping for an asteroid to take us all out.
Climate change 🤞
Don’t count all of us in, funnies scene in Greenland was watching Orlando get taken out via asteroid hit and how am I going to find the IRL version funny if I’m dead for it?
everyone that opposes this already knows.
leftists better start organizing in the us. this will not be solved by democrats.
On this. You and I 100% agree. Which should be a shock for you coming from someone you mistakenly labeled conservative. I’m just anti authoritarian, but very pro solidarity.
as long as we are doing any type of effective organization, everyone benefits.
I’d like to get more involved with something, but not the SRA. Tried that and felt like it was not much more than burning $35 for the membership fees. I need something a little bit more substantial and a bit more cohesive than some discord channel.
i can’t speak for the US, but there are plenty of bad orgs out there, sadly.
i think its important to understand the theory behind it because it makes it easier to spot the good ones vs the bad ones vs the ones that won’t be effective.
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Glad Project 2025 is becoming public knowledge, it’s not hyperbole, people really are going to die if Trump is re-elected. That’s not a threat, that’s an acknowledgement of what the GOP plans to do.
There have already been several shootings by people trying to trigger a “race war”.
I remember when “Race war now?” was just an edgy 4chan meme… Better days, used to on the internet when someone was being racist it was a comedy routine mocking the absurdity of racism, nowadays… people actually mean that shit.
Sadly I remember the “Bugaloo” movement, because everything has to be a joke now, even repeating the Civil War…
They forget how many of us gun owning liberals there are. They think they can bully everyone around because they think they own all the guns thus the upper hand. They’re are far too dense to realize they’re entirely wrong. We just don’t make it our entire personality. I don’t feel the need to put my guns on display to prove to people I don’t even know what a MaNlY rUgGeD BaDaSs I am. That’s not why i own them. I very much enjoy the sport and technical knowledge and focus required to hit the target in different situations. I want to be perceived as a loving husband and a kind and honorable man and friend. Those two things are at odds. Or maybe I’m just not insecure about my masculinity.
I have been staunchly anti-gun personally, but it feels like it’s time to arm myself. The threats are becoming credible.
Don’t just “arm yourself”. Learn how to safely handle and use it and practice practice practice. Somewhere there is a Fascist that wants to kill you and they are practicing. So practice yourself.
I was anti-gun up until about 3 years ago, but I’ve been training semi-regularly since they began making these types of threats. I also have good reason to believe they’re more than just threats, but actual plans. I would encourage you to start getting familiar with firearms and train sooner than later. A lot of people have a misconception that you can just pick one up, aim, and fire but there’s significantly more to it than that.
You can bear arms, or you can arm bears. It’s your choice.
If I have a choice between an AR-15 and an attack bear, I’m going with the attack bear. Plus, it will enjoy belly scritches on its off hours. If you scritch an AR-15’s belly, it doesn’t kick its leg.
Our guns won’t matter… all that will matter will be whose side our military’s guns are on. If they try to oppose the US military they will loose, if they have the US military on their side, they will win.
Nobody but my immediate family and close friends and people I go shooting with know I have firearms. And I will keep it that way. I don’t want anyone breaking into my house to steal my guns.
They forget how many of us gun owning liberals there are.
Without an organization and leadership to coordinate action, that’s not particularly useful.
Movement conservatism is scary because it’s a movement, not just a bunch of nutjobs who all happen to own guns.
Guerilla warfare is incredibly effective. The only thing that has a chance of overcoming it is coordinated national military might, and even then its a shitshow.
Seeing as the military is at about a 45/55 liberal/conservative split, with the majority of officers being liberal, they dont even have that on lockdown.
Guerilla warfare is incredibly effective.
Kids love to read about the American Revolution, Vietnam and Afghanistan, or the Cuban Revolt (that finally succeeded). They’re less excited to read about Grenada, Guatamala, the Spanish Republicans, the Hungarian Revolt, the century of Cuban revolutions that failed, the American Confederacy, the Battle of Blair Mountain, the Greek Civil War, the Philippines, or the American Natives.
Guerrilla Warfare is incredibly bloody affair. Rebels rarely live to see the revolt successfully concluded even when it does succeed. The problem with wars of attrition are that they get a lot of their participants killed.
Who here actually wants to die for their cause?
i’m getting old. there’s worse ways to die.
Who here actually wants to die for their cause?
When people I know and love are being threatened with violence and death for a cause they aren’t even fighting for? Yeah, I’ll roll those dice.
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Neither do they. Their “leadership” scattered before anyone got into the Capital on Jan6th and the pawns scattered when the first one of these died.
Bring it. I’m ready. You snowflakes don’t have the faith, conviction or cojones to follow through with your threats, which is why you make so many of them, and why they get more and more violent as you see them be less and less effective. Calling your bluff, but I’ll be ready to slap you right back into the hole you crawled out of.
I know it’s meant to be a threat, but he really makes it sound like he’s at our mercy. It will only be bloodless if WE allow it.
Those people scattered hard when one of their’s died on January 6th. None of them really know how bad it gets in countries that actually go through revolutions. Not that we shouldn’t be prepared to protect ourselves, but they have no wherewithal to follow though to the end.
Very few do, no matter the “side”, and those with the skills & training to do so all too often eat their own guns after the dust settles. In war, the only victors are the ones pushing pawns. Every single other creature is a victim to it, in one way or another.
This is very wise. People let their blood get too hot to see they’re in the boiling pot.
People never see they’re in the boiling pot. Or the crab bucket. Or the slaughter line. Or the prison-filling shame machine. Or the no-one-else-is-as-special-as-you ritual paint before the holiday sacrifice. Etc.
I still hold that the “Heroes Work Here” signs all over the Bible belt would be atop guillotines instead if there were any sense salvaging this “nation”. 🙇🏽♂️
It’s because they’re the go along to get along cowards who end up ignoring the flesh scented ash falling from the concentration camp constructed 15 miles outside of their hometown because admitting they were wrong would mean they accept responsibility for their complicity.
The Crimson blood of my enemies has always been my favorite color.
Who isn’t expecting violence in November?
This would be violence after January. 2025 refers to the year.
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There’s a huge difference. They are talking about resistance to the fascist policies after they are put in place.
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You are really missing the point.
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Yes you are. The point is that they are talking about official governmental reprisals for any sort of resistance, not uprisings.
This isn’t warning of violence, this is announcing when they’ll start building the camps.
This man is a coward. He wants other people to do the dirty work.
More people should know what’s in Project 2025. It’s a guide to creating a Judge Dredd universe, where the only people living in it will be the Super Rich and the Super F*cking Poor.
They’re not even trying to hide it.
Why is he not under arrest for incitement to violence?
I mean they promise violence if they get their shit through so the only option is to challenge them.
Right back at ya. It will never happen asshole
You can see that bloodshed is on their mind. They will stop at nothing.
Lots of talk in this thread. I stood during the pandemic against anti-vaccs and no-masks and intend to again. I’ve heard a lot of excuses, mostly surrounding a need to work and pay bills and how they cannot jeopardize that.
I wonder if there will be excuses this time.
I’m not sure why you think the need to work and pay bills isn’t a legitimate reason to not do other things. You have to eat to live and living is a lot harder without a home. Or with a home but without services like running water.
Because it’s just an excuse… I shower daily but somehow that task doesn’t prevent me from doing other stuff
Similarly you can work and pay your bill while still setting time aside to organize, protest, write, etc
I thought we were talking about people using having to work and pay bills as an excuse to not go out on the street and protest. You can’t do any of those things from a cell, which is what they’re risking. I don’t blame anyone for not risking that, especially if they have people who depend on them like small children.
But sure, they can do other things like organize and write. That’s true.
I think it was an excuse not to wear a mask/get vaccinated, but exanime lost the plot.
Maybe, I’m not paying too much attention… I thought we were talking about excusing people from participating in the policial process because of work and bills
It is an excuse, when used as a barrier to why they can’t. My point being that these rights, expectations, social norms, whatever else we might call them or list, are being slowly shaved away. There is also something to be said for that risk being one of the leashes placed upon the working class. A fear of reprisal. A very real fear, unfortunately.
Yet this is where we are. Either we take these risks or risk everything being systematically taken away anyway while we struggle to pay ever increasing bills. A slow death from financial squeeze.
You can’t do any of those things from a cell
According to whom… Perhaps not for long, but Americans still have the right to assemble peacefully and some freedom of speech left
but Americans still have the right to assemble peacefully and some freedom of speech left
Sure. Tell that to all the BLM protestors that got rounded up. Or the college students protesting Israel this year for that matter.
So your point is that Americans are excused from protesting going straight into fascism because they are basically already there?
The ones with children to feed? Yes. Do you have children who rely on you to survive?
~~Ignore, app glitched and responded to wrong comment ~~
Ironic that they’re the ones who blessed us with all the stand your ground laws and lax gun control. Bump stocks it is
Bumps stocks are illegal actually
They’re actually legal federally now, tho many states have banned them