Holy fuck! As if Citizens United wasn’t bad enough. Our government is fully for sale now.
Same as it ever was.
… but worse!
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile. And you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?”
Thanks to the Supreme Court, that’s how
So that means that I can engage in a a little tax evasion, as a treat, right?
On a serious note, from the article:
the law makes it a very serious crime, punishable by up to 15 years in prison, for a federal official to accept a bribe
Can we start actually enforcing this please?
Define bribe and you’ll start to see where enforcing this becomes a problem. Especially with legalized corruption in the form of lobbying and ‘gifts’.
Well, federal officials are already forbidden from accepting gifts/anything valued more than $25 in one instance, and no more than $100 a year from any one group or person. Enforcing that seems like a good place to start.
Legislators, executives, and jurists aren’t officials in the sense you mean. They are referring to government employees, who can still receive every joyful punishment a prosecutor can dream of.
Well, perhaps the wording should be amended to encompass all public employees. But that would require the law be rewritten by the people that benefit from it, so, yeah.
Can we start actually enforcing this please?
No. You can’t bind the rich.
deleted by creator
SCOTUS has routinely bent over backwards to protect politicians from corruption and bribery charges though so the message is clear. You cannot charge a politician with bribery except in extreme circumstances. Like them being a democrat.
“At every level” she’s making specific reference to a specific certain level in the US judicial system here… Some pretty good, brave activism three - good luck getting your mom a house from a billionaire now Justice Jackson
Your comment is nonsensical. Format that shit. And wtf, are you saying Judge Jackson is corrupt as well? You are making no sense.
Their formatting was dog dukey, but I was still able to parse what they were saying fairly easily. They’re saying “good job judge Jackson. Too bad you won’t be able to get a free house from insert evil billionaire here (/s)”. While I agree with your sentiment, the way you go about pointing these things out can backfire, if done with a rude tone, such as the way you chose to do it. There you go; an unsolicited constructive criticism for an unsolicited constructive criticism. :)
I like you better than yourr brother James.
So is the difference “I’ll give you money to do this thing” versus “I’ll give you money if you do this thing”?
They both sound like bribes to me. Money, goods, or services are just handed over at different times.
I fucking hate these people. No shame. No morals. No humanity.
deleted by creator
No see the first one is a bribe, the second one is a job. I’m paying you for your time! /s
It’s a kickback. They just made kickbacks completely legal.
bro i thought this was an onion post for a second what the fuck just happened
Just yet ANOTHER consequence of Trump’s first term…
unfortunately you may be right, but the onion also has a very specific type of title that they write out, and this was pretty close.
i love how the standard went from “the appearance of impropriety” to “you know what, just leave the money on the counter”.
NOT THAT COUNTER!!! That is the bribe counter! You put it NEXT the bribe counter so nobody gets the wrong idea.
No that’s fine too, we’ll just blow up the journalist and bury the story. #PanamaPapers
Bro… Fuck this country.
Saw the title, figured it couldn’t be that bad. Read the article. It is that bad.
Then they at the end they give that know an extra twist by specifically mentioning two justices notorious for receiving substantial
bribesrewards who didn’t feel the need to recuse themselves.That’s exactly what I did too. I was like “they’ve gotta be exaggerating.” Nope, not at all. Ffs
I didn’t think they could weaken it any further, you already had to get caught on tape exchanging money, laughing maniacally, and saying, “This is a bribe for X action.”
Now you can do that, as long as it happens after the politician delivers. That’s a kickback. It’s the fucking definition of a kickback. They gave someone a contract and the contractor then gave the contract giver a large sum of money.
If you write “NOT BRIBE” on the cheek, it obviously CANNOT be a bribe.
I nominate this guy for SCOTUS
If they ever flip back to a Democrat majority, it’s going to take decades to undo all the damage this court has done (and they’ll still have the incentive to not undo stuff like this).
Longer than that. Democrats are pretty centrist these days, so some of this will linger on for long long time.
Joe Biden nearly got 1 food truck in to gaza from the 300 million dollar pier and one of Israel’s bomb shipments was 10 minutes late thanks to him though. That’s bringing the left and liberals together.
Haha, what a silly Onion article!
:checks URL:
Oh. Oh no.
Welcome to
Russiapost-Covid world
Its just out in the open. Corruption on full blast.
Haha, yeh.
Next up “donor” patches for clothing, donor branded shoes, and donor outfits. Have our state officials look like NASCAR.
These people are all trash. All of them. Not a single decent MAGA in existence.
Maybe a bit of flogging?
Oh Arin ! That’s your sokution to everything ☝️☝️😁
Worked for the French 🤷♂️