What I didn’t like about Eternal was being forced to use specific weapons to kill certain enemies. For me this kind of shooters are all about use “the right tool for the job”. If I fancy using the two barrels shotgun from start to finish, just let me do so.
I’m glad I’m not the only one with that criticism. I enjoyed the first game so much more because of that.
I guarantee you that would be boring as fuck.
Might as well play with cheats on if you just don’t want to think at all. Thankfully, Doom Eternal has them in the game, you just need to unlock them.
Nah, the only times I want to play doom are when I want to turn my brain off. Shoot moving thing. Great success.
It’s a good thing Doom 2016 exists then.
For me Doom 2016 was a hugely more enjoyable experience than Eternal. 2016 is arguably one of the greatest linear single player shooters ever made. Eternal felt like a chore once you had all the tools unlocked and I lost interest shortly after. I could have lowered the difficulty so weapon selection didn’t matter, but that was clearly not the design intent.
Ultrakill does the “swap between weapons quickly for interesting combos” much better IMO – it’s not necessary but it’s a value add and it’s super fun to pull off.
I lowered the difficulty, and I were able to kill bigger enemies with the weapon of my choice. But they became bullet sponges. There’s no fun in that. I too prefer 2016, I like my shotgun.
When you want to win an internet argument so badly that you miss the point on purpose.
That isn’t the point. The point is you shouldn’t feel shoehorned into playing a specific intended strategy. Doom is about turning off your brain and slaying.
Some guns are better for different situations, but most guns are useful in any situation.
Why’s that boring? It sounds better than rock-paper-scissors with different guns
Nah. Go try out Enchain, you only have one gun for the game but it works pretty damn well.
Sounds more like an “easy mode” thing. Have certain enemies immune to certain guns on the harder difficulties. Want to just use the shotgun? Play easy mode. Want to be more strategic? Play a harder difficulty.
I can see a lot of DE Fans not enjoying this. But DE was a weaker entry to me so I’m excited to play this one.
I gotta keep it real with you: Nothing about the trailer looks interesting to me. My viewpoints on Doom are pretty colored due to Mick Gordon’s claims and the poor combat and traversal loops in Eternal.
At least its not Doom 3 all over again.
Looking at the trailer and reading the article, it’s clear they’re going back to the doom 1 roots with the way the projectiles feel like it’s a 2D top down shooter.
That’s the way it’s supposed to feel imo, and I dig the direction they’re heading and the combat definitely felt like oldschool 2D top down shooters were supposed to feel: Dodge everything, never stop firing.