I don’t believe either side gives two wet shits about the social issues they argue about. The only thing they care about is that we continue to villainize each other about it
The goal is that they have a few wedge issues to fight over, so we vote based on that and that alone. A good wedge issue for them involves a few things, it is something with a deep emotional tie, something that is almost impossible for us to just ignore, something with a clear for/against stance, and MOST importantly, it has no impact on the capitalists continuing to drain our blood until were desiccated hollow shells screaming at each other about trans sports from our cardboard boxes under the overpass
Politicians are whores, I really doubt you need more than a billion to own your own starting lineup.
I respectfully disagree that the party could never change due to their current funding
If what you are saying is that the democratic party could change because we vote in enough progressives then I have a bridge to sell you. The capitalists who own the government would just out-finance progressive election attempts. Think of how many progressives we would need to have it impact the whole Dem party, now think about how many elections that is where the entire force of the media is against the politician who will actually fight for you. Now consider how easily manipulated our wildly uneducated population is.
I know its a bitter pill to swallow but capitalism has already destroyed democracy long ago. It is just that we have been in decline for so long now that it is finally becoming unavoidably obvious.
Its all wedge issues. Keep us arguing about stuff that doesn’t get in the way of capitalism and you wont demand a better life. Hell many of us will even defend the party that aligns with our side of a wedge issue because “At least it isnt the other one i hate”, and while i understand voting for the lesser evil, we all do it, I will never understand defending the lesser evil. If 2 people are stabbing me to death I wont thank the one using a smaller knife.
I am becoming a believer that it isnt weakness, its complicity. The weakness is just a good facade to hide the truth.
It also shouldnt be surprising, the government is just a capitalist mouth piece.
“Fuck you I got mine” should be printed on our money
and yet the ad servers want to blame the end user for adblocking. not their absolute refusal to moderate or police any of the content they deliver.
This is the American way. You try to shit blame elsewhere so noone puts the onus on you to improve so you can keep a larger portion of the profit. “Fuck you I got mine” should be printed on our money lol
Listen scro, Imm just tryin to keep the people from gettin deaded
That is absolutely wild… I cant believe how much of the industry they are! Well thats great then! I was worried the death of tesla would be unfelt by elon.
Now to make it worse, ask this, “If the corporation did 10 times this amount of damage, but to the general citizens of the country, how many people would go to jail?”
That’s right 0 people would go to jail! And they would only be fined for no more than 10% of the profit they made while doing it. Maybe someone like a jr director of operations gets tossed in jail, but he wasnt really apart of the club.
And how our legal system is setup to best defend the wealthy.
Id be willing to bet that tesla is no bigger than 10% maximum of his worth. His big ones are space X that just chugs our tax money, and starlink, which I believe is being used as navigation in weapons systems being sold to nations. Tesla is effectively meaningless now.
At a certain point being “Spineless” feels like a cover for complicit.
See if you can sell it then lol
DC and Puerto Rico will become states the same day that we are 100% sure how they will vote in future elections, and the party we are certain they will vote for has the executive and congressional majority.
Yes do all of your purchases on the 6th and then on the 15th that’ll really show them!!!
Fucking stupid …
Yeah the idea is ultimately that you help enable the system by participating. Ultimately nothing changes by a couple cheap assholes refusing to tip like this guy, so you should, it would only work if everyone decided not to. It would force the industry to adapt.
I mean I feel like i agree with you on everything, other than you believe political change is possible and I dont. I also do not believe you have argued that the outcome is remotely likely, only that its more possible than revolution.
Let me float a third option, which is the current state of the country will remain unchanged. The economy will eventually collapse under the weight of the capitalists, triggering worldwide economic collapse, and then WW3. I’m just praying fascism loses again in the end, and that the systems can survive long enough for me to die naturally first.