Meanwhile I want us to work on things that are actually personally fulfilling, instead of earning imaginary money for rich assholes to abuse and hold us down with.
If we were working on what we wanted to do, we’d do it as much as we had energy for. That might be once a week, or it might be every waking hour for 6+ months.
The important bit is “days per week” would be 0+. This is what I want for everyone. It’s why I fully support a UBI, along with socialized healthcare and housing.
You want to spend your time doing nothing but raise your kids? Great, do that super well and don’t worry about the “lost” income. You want to make art? Awesome, do it! You want to engineer a bridge, teach, be a doctor or nurse, grow crops, etc? We need that too, and in addition to your base UBI money you get extra for doing a socially needed job. Good for you!
This does sound pretty cool
If you like what you hear, you should look into, and support, politicians who support a UBI (universal basic income) in your region!
But bear in mind that a UBI alone isn’t enough; because capitalism encourages greed, we also (regardless where you live) need socialized housing so landlords don’t just eat the full entitlement, and socialized healthcare so people can keep themselves healthy to do the things they want without going bankrupt. Those are by far the biggest spends for most people, and if we could get that in check, a UBI is a great equalizer, and could pull millions of households out of the worst of poverty.
It’s good for disabled people, so they can be much more independent, it’s good for retired people, so they can retire without worry, it’s good for parents, so they don’t have to choose between supporting the family and actually raising the family, and it’s good for society as a whole because those “nonproductives” now have economy stimulation power by not being flat broke.
The days I want to work in a month🖕
You want to work??
Yes, I want to contribute to a project, a product, a group. Every week, and most days of that week.
I don’t want to sit around in leisure often, just sometimes.
Be clear, I didn’t say I want to further corporate profits, necessarily.
Hell yeah! Nothings better than a hard days work and keeping the profit I created. Working is great! Being exploited by corporations is not great, it is bad and why we correlate work with being bad, because we correlate work with being Exploited. It doesnt have to be this way.
We can discuss semantics all day long (like antiwork vs work reform) but the 4 days week is by no means revolutionary. You do something fulfilling, then the number doesn’t count; you have a minde numbing job than any number is too much.
I want to work 7 days a week. But not to make profit for some corporation, but to be an active part in a community (Volunteering in my local maker space)
I just want AI/climate change to wipe us out so evolution can go back to the drawing board.
We aren’t happy, the owners aren’t happy as they always want more, the natural world and ALL THE OTHER BEINGS THAT LIVE HERE have had our leg pushing down on their throats since industrialization.
Lets just call it, and hope the dolphins evolve into something a little less… fucking terrible.
Turns out statistically intelligence as a trait in animals also fosters cruelty!
Dolphins are notoriously evil. Corvids are known for their mischief too. Octopi are fine but their lifespans are so short they do not have time to develop cruelty. Many primates are not nice either.
There’s a clear correlation between social intelligence and needless cruelty in species.
Sorry man, but I can’t stop laughing at you calling an entire animal species ‘evil’. Not only that, but ‘notoriously evil’. Like there’s a chapter in the Bible devoted to the tale of a dolphin riding Jesus up his dead arsehole.
Im happy
I wish a robot would work my Mondays and Fridays.
Who is this guy and why are there so many memes with him now?
That’s Dale Earnhardt a NASCAR driver that died in 2001 in a crash while racing.
I don’t know why he’s popping up in memes now though.
Isn’t that basically the selling point the pigs used in animal farm before slowly increasing the workload while nobody paid attention
LIES! comunism is a good idea: HOWEVER its leaders are ALWAYS dictators.
No shit Sherlock, communism is quite literally a dictatorship of the Prolitariat.
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