You laugh now, but just wait 3 years until this morphs into the next right-wing cult conspiracy theory…
God I hate that this is an entirely plausible scenario.
Nah, I’m pretty sure they avoid maths like it’s dark magic
And there you have the conspiracy theory. Now all we need is to somehow tie it back to The Jews™
I heard that Albert Einstein knew some math…
Well we did use it to carve runes into a rock and then convince said rock to think
With Terrance Howard making 1x1=2 popular on Rogan they might make it there
You think one imaginary number is crazy? Just wait till you learn about quaternions. One real number and 3 imaginary numbers forming a four dimensional coordinate system. It’s the basis for quantum mechanics and most video game engines. Who thinks of this shit?
Quaternions? Basis of quantum mechanics? Pretty sure that’s not right at all. A lot of games use them for rotations in place of rotation matrices though I suppose.
Iirc, using quaternions for rotations let’s you avoid “gimbal locking”.
Quaternions are not the basis for quantum mechanics. Biquaternions have some applications in quantum field theory, but there are many areas of quantum mechanics where there’s no need or space for anything above complex.
Oops my bad, it’s been a while. I thought the Hamiltonian used quaternions, but I guess that’s just complex numbers.
The Hamiltonian using Hamilton’s numbers? Now I think about it it is a bit silly that two entirely separate yet highly propinquitous concepts have such similar names. Physics really went downhill once humans started writing it down.
We owe “quatties” to hamilton, but there is a generalization of the process in case you’re curious:–Dickson_construction
The general concept is called Spinors, Quaternions are just one representation. Here’s a great video on them. In physics they’re using them because they’re necessary (video explains), in computer graphics we’re using them because they’re algorithmically convenient, very cheap to compute and ignore that whole half-spin thing. It’s one of those instances where it’s cheaper to compute useless information and then throw it away as opposed to avoiding to compute it.
They’re also absolutely impossible to deal with when authoring stuff, as in rotating things in Blender, it’s just a representation on the backend. Quaternions would avoid gimbal lock but when authoring you really rather deal with that than a 4-dimensional hypersphere.
Bro, if you don’t like imaginary numbers then just don’t imagine them?
I tried that but then i went and got their siblings j and k. They’re threatening to burn down my plane. What do I do now?
Add another axis to your game plan.
But isn’t it fascinating that NASA used theoretical math that didn’t have an intended use by the mathmaticians that developed it years ago, but it ended up working well with orbital entry calculations?
There’s a lot of theoretical math that ends up being very real.
Quaternions? They were used as intended - to represent rotation.
Also mathematicians making them entirely self-consistent then using them in regular maths until we’re all forced to deal with them and accept them as normal
Instead of just admitting they were wrong
Jujutsu Kaisen characters pulling yet another ‘binding vow’ out their arse instead of learning to fight better.
It’s a long standing shonen tradition of ass-pulling
Mathematicians dug up quaternions. Double the imagination. They aren’t Complex for comprehention.
Little known fact: the imaginary numbers are the algebraic closure of the irrational numbers.
Yes the obscure and little known fundamental theorem of algebra
Is it not real numbers? eg x² + 1 = 0
I know this is a joke, but wrong about what, exactly? I don’t get it.
Also, and maybe this has something to do with the joke I’m not getting, the way complex numbers are motivated in school is a lie, and a stupid one. Mathematicians were perfectly comfortable with certain equations having no solutions; the problem was when their equations told them there were no solutions when they could see the solutions: the curve x3 - 15x + 4 crosses the x-axis, but Cardano’s cubic formula gives up due to negative square roots. Imaginary numbers were originally no more than an ephemeral reasoning tool, and were only reluctantly accepted as entities in their own right because of how damn useful they were.
Don’t read into it too much.
If I’m not meant to think about it until understanding emerges, then that means it should be immediately understandable without thinking. It is not.
It is, actually
The numbers are imaginary, thus theyte not real, thus the math magicians (not gonna undo autocorrect there) are wrong and refuse to admit it because they insist imaginary numbers are real
Don’t apply actual knowledge of what imaginary numbers are for this exercise
Ok, so this is a “joke” which is only funny to people who do not understand the context, and moreover jump to insane, unsubstantiated conclusions rather than expending an infinitesimal measure of effort to understand something they haven’t seen before. It’s active mockery of the very concept of being open to new ideas.
No, the joke plays on the two meanings of “imaginary” - one being “made up, not real”, and the other being the mathematical construct. The fact that you don’t get it doesn’t make it mockery, it just means you don’t get it.
Sometimes it’s better to just accept that you don’t get the joke and move on.
I might not find a joke funny, or I might not have the necessary context to appreciate it; that’s “not getting” a joke. If it’s possible to have too much context to appreciate a “joke”, it’s at the expense of people who know more than the audience.
Bruh, who cares.
Stop complaining.
It might seem harmless, but the purpose of a joke is to draw a distinction between those who get it and those who don’t, fostering a sense of community. In this “joke”, the in-group is people who don’t know something; the community ideal fostered there is that knowledge is undesirable, that anything that seems unintuitive to the uninformed mind is inherently ridiculous. The “joke” has no effect if it doesn’t do this. Entertaining the idea without challenge is dangerous.
Grow up dude.
Imaginary numbers were originally no more than an ephemeral reasoning tool, and were only reluctantly accepted as entities in their own right because of how damn useful they were.
That, there, is the story of pretty much all maths. There were occasional mentions of zero and debates about whether it’s a number or not in old Europe, it only became widely accepted once base 10 became popular. And people still can’t agree whether the natural numbers contain it!
Hah. Church tried to ban it because it was “associated with illegal money trading”, I remember that. What is it about maths that makes non-mathematicians think themselves qualified to judge matters they don’t understand?
Fucking pathethic, just admit you’re all wrong, they even made a bullshit-number-generator to keep making up new stupid-useless-made-up-numbers that serve no purpose at all in any discipline of science, it’s disgusting
“Taravangian was here”
Taravangian the next day: “What was I thinking?”
Mmmmmm lies
This is exactly what Lewis Carroll was saying..
1*1=2 prove me wrong mathematicians.
If you have 1 of 1 bag of apples, you have 1 bag (1x1=1).
If you have 2 of 1 bag of apples, you have 2 bags (2x1=2).
If you have 3 of 1 bag of apples, you have 3 bags (3x1=3).
And so on…
Why so serious?
No, Terrence Howard, we won’t.
I think I missed something. I just thought it was funny when a programmer joked about making 1*1= 2 in a programming language.
“Hey, Mr. Cheadle? You’re needed again.”
What are these references?
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Perfect, we really needed some more anti-science bullshit
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