While Ezra was taking a nap in his crib, the family’s Husky that they owned for eight years attacked out of nowhere.
“And to just bring awareness that it could be any dog at any time. Completely unprovoked, no matter what the history is,” Chloe said.
Same thing could have happened to us, except we kept our 90 lbs GSD the fuck away from our newborn. “It could be any dog at any time” uh… no shit? Genetically it’s a fucking wolf. Use your fucking brains people.
If this sounds insensitive, well it is. A license should be required to possess both dogs and children.
I have both and agree with your statement. I had a paragraph typed up but it’s a lot to edit and it’s late. Call me lazy. The tl;dr version is supporting evidence for the dogs portion, and outlines that people need to have access to abortion, and/or screening on if they’re responsible enough to have kids. And now it’s a paragraph again. Ugh.
Is that a licence to possess either one, or both at the same time?
…why the hell did the dog have unsupervised access to the baby
Most people don’t consider this to be a danger because it’s such a rare situation that it’s newsworthy when it happens.
It’s not actually that rare. I mean, the death part is more unusual, but Dogs bite kids for no good reason all the damn time. Dogs should not be allowed around children unsupervised, period. It doesn’t matter how many times “it’s been fine” - all it takes is once.
Nothing with free will that isn’t another human is a potential danger to a baby. There are obviously tons of pets that don’t and having watched a lot of animals be interact with children under extremely strict supervision and controlled conditions I do think most pets do understand what the baby is and wouldn’t hurt it you can never know how they will react. Huskies are really smart and temperamental from what i understand, it’s insane to leave one near a baby
I have a husky, he’s a giant lovable teddy bear made of fluff who is a giant coward in front of any sort of adversity. It’s hard to imagine him hurting anything intentionally. He plays with my 2 cats and hasn’t intentionally harmed them in any way.
But then, I’ve also seen him catch a squirrel and crush it’s skull right in front of me, just because.
Dogs are still animals, and the bigger ones can still be dangerous even if they seem friendly and safe with the right conditions.
I wonder if it was an unfixed male. It’s not uncommon in the animal world for other males to kill young they didn’t sire.
Christ, my heart goes out to these parents. I cannot imagine the hell they’re living right now, makes me sick thinking about my own 6 week old. I’ll definitely be rethinking leaving him alone with our border collies from now on. It was so big of them to decide on organ donation; they’re basically using their loss to save other families.
Yes, as much as I love dogs, unfortunately they can be unpredictable even if we’ve had them for years. Whether it’s aggression (possibly around food or toys), prey drive, playing too rough, or just pure accident, they can cause a lot of harm to small bodies. I would not leave any dog unattended when an infant.
Yeah, dogs have a prey drive, and babies are unfortunately right in that “looks like prey” zone. Because, ya know, babies are prey. Your dog will fuck up a baby for the same reason that they’ll fuck up a squirrel or a cat.
Husky (the dog in this incident) prey drive is ridiculous too. I could imagine new parents might also be unable to give that sort of dog the stimulation it needs to be less likely to misbehave. * I am aware of how misbehaving is a massive understatement in this context. *
Some people put too much trust in animals. Even good animals can have “bad day”.
“And to just bring awareness that it could be any dog at any time. Completely unprovoked, no matter what the history is,” Chloe said.
Reminds me of that Onion article that pops up every time there’s a mass shooting in the US: “There’s no possible way we could have prevented this, says only country where this routinely happens”.
Dogs have co-existed with humans longer than just about any other domesticated animal. They don’t do things for no reason. If the parents didn’t see any signs, it’s because they weren’t looking hard enough.
Dogs can absolutely be dangerous. They’re often bred and trained to be dangerous. They don’t just spontaneously decide to be dangerous, especially after eight fucking years.
Even people sometimes just wake up day and snap for reasons beyond our control.
Now you’re generally right, most of these cases there’s some meaningful details missing and the “no history of attacks” is a lie.
We just can’t broadly apply that because we don’t know which one isn’t a lie.
Sometimes the thing that sets a dog off is just that they’re older and confused. Dogs do sometimes just snap with no warnings, same as humans.
Yes they do. Any dog can have a trigger you simply have not seen yet. I literally had my rescue dog bite me after 7ish years because I startled him once. Absolutely zero signs of aggression prior to that. Every dog has a line and it is impossible to know what that like is or if it has changed.
I think this is actually a more dangerous mindset. Any animal can be unpredictable, can do something you’ve never seen them do before. Maybe there were signs, but maybe there weren’t. Either way, it’s dangerous to wait for a “sign” before you start to set boundaries on how your pet interacts with any person.
This one did.
Animals follow their instincts. If something sets them off, they are set off.
Dogs don’t attack for no reason
This one did
Because it was following it’s instincts
Do you not understand?
I don’t. Instincts are a reason. If it was following its instincts, it didn’t attack for no reason.
So it’s more like a semantics(what words mean) thing tripping you up.
Got it.
If you stand on your head, then pyramids look like ice cream cones.
“there was no reason, but here’s the reason” isn’t semantics. It’s just you contradicting yourself one sentence later.
Yes, semantics, I get it.
You need things strictly defined for you but aren’t willing to provide parameters or ask questions.
You built a sand castle and then knocked it down all by yourself.
Very impressive.
Dogs are dangerous. Every goddamn time I got bit while working delivery the onwer would say "Oh he never bites! He is a good boy!" all the way up until a client dog attack required surgery, forever changed how I walk and keeps me in constant pain 24/7.
I fucking hate dogs, but I hate even more how dog owners make excuses for their dogs that put other people in danger.
Yepp, irresponsible dog owners are the fucking worst. Not only are you potentially going to harm someone outside the situation, it is also torture for the dog.
If you aren’t going to care for your pet, DONT GET ONE.
Hope you get jacked by a dog again
Boring uninteresting troll.
BuT He WaS AlWaYs a GoOd DoG!
I only keep dogs under 30lbs and I still wouldn’t trust them near a child let alone a newborn. Jesus.
I should not have read that. I need to go give someone a hug.
I am always fucking nervous when somebody leaves a child for a minute near me and my dog. And let me tell you: My dog is even more nervous. Just don’t.
The kid was in the crib? That’s confusing.
That family is kinder than me. I’d have killed the dog then and there.
I wouldn’t. But of course I wouldn’t want to see that dog ever again, no matter how much “good boy” he was.
Vengeance is a disgusting trait in people, just saying.
It’s also not the dogs fault, as controversial as that might seem to some people without further explanation or a bit of reflection.
Maybe, but I have lines I won’t have crossed and killing my family is one of those. Instinct or not that dog is not getting the chance to do that again.
In this scenario you’ve imagined here though, the rage you feel towards the dog is actually caused by your own negligence. Reflect on that if you like, or don’t. Either way I won’t return to this post because it’s a depressing subject I would rather move on from.
You’re really leaving it? Because you sure love judging others for it. This wouldn’t happen in my situation because I have had 3 kids and a dog the whole time and they’ve all lived. But let’s assume I had been negligent. I’d still kill the fuckin dog. Because any dog with that kind of problems doesn’t need to go to a pound to do it to someone else.
Pitbulls do this much more frequently but any dog is capable of killing a 6 week old.
There’s also about 20 times the number of pities (not even including the miss identified ones) and because they can be gotten extremely cheaply. They often are raised by the lowest common denominator of owner.
People still died of other stuff even when COVID-19 was raging. Pit bulls are murder machines pretending to be an animal that doesn’t mean no other animals are dangerous
Husky? No that can’t be right must’ve been a pitbull since those are the only dogs that are EVIL! PURE EVIL!
The internet says so!
There’s no quicker way to have people sounding like 13/50’ers but with dogs than to bring up pitbulls.
"Well that’s because pitbulls are evil and that’s why they’re chosen by those evil bla–
Hey where are you guys going? I’m just saying, German Shepherds follow orders so well, they truly are Der Überhunden!"