I didn’t cut the grass this spring and it got over two feet tall in most places. This guy went out there everyday like it was his job. Grass was cut this week but he is still out here doing his thing.
I didn’t cut the grass this spring and it got over two feet tall in most places. This guy went out there everyday like it was his job. Grass was cut this week but he is still out here doing his thing.
Letting your grass get tall is great for all the birds your cat will absolutely murder this spring.
There is nowhere nice for birds to land the cat can easily reach, by design. I know cats are bad for birds but he is 12 years old and lazy.
I try to help the environment as much as possible but I’m not perfect.
All good. Don’t take it personally, my comment was a bad joke.
It’s all good, I got a reason to post a a John F. Zoidberg meme.
Know the place and time to bring up your activism. It’s fine to be against outdoor cats, I am too. But on some random person’s post on a sub for cute cat pictures? Read the room
dawgcatYou misunderstand. I hate birds.
Butterflies like it too.
Neighbor’s cat murdered a bird the other week. The next day, I found random bird flesh piece on my back deck. It happens.