The birth (or death) of a relative, the release of a new program, game, series, movie, the date you were dreaming about, could be anything

    9 months ago

    Good to hear you’re healing up well! My significant other is going to have the same procedure done shortly and it’s good to hear of overall timelines of healing and what to expect.

      9 months ago

      If it’s laparoscopic, it shouldn’t be too bad. I spent pretty much the whole first week in bed napping off and on, other than short walks every couple of hours. The second week, I worked from home (still in bed) and had to lay down for a few minutes here and there, but felt a lot better. With ice packs and rest, I only needed to take anything for pain the first 4-ish days and then occasionally when I pushed myself a little too hard, and I never needed anything stronger than advil/tylenol.

      The only thing I wish I’d done was either taking higher doses of stool softeners or taking a laxative sooner - it’s unpleasant to talk about but trust me when I say your SO really doesn’t want to go several days without pooping when you can’t really push without feeling like you’re going to tear something important.