But it’s the physicists’ job to find this stuff.
Yeah, it’s not like the mathematics lost any of the numbers. Get your shit together physicists.
Dunno. Find me an i in the wild.
Whoa there, if you want it’s physical location you’ll have to ask a physicist, they’re in charge of tangible things.
Otherwise, just take a turn perpendicular to the reals, or check in the platonic realm.
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Political Science is the study of political systems and behaviours employing the scientific method. It’s a sub field of social science and a very new one, at less than 150 years old. Political philosophy is of course much older.
employing the scientific method
Really? They have control groups? Blind and A/B testing? Hypothesis that they set out to reject?
I’m sure they have methods but are they scientific?
The answer to all your questions are
Yes - Whatever goes against my political allegiances.
Yes - They all just have an n < 50.
You make those claims without ever having looked into polisci studies. Not really looking to reject your own hypothesis.
A literature review comes first in science. I asked questions. I did not make claims.
Hey genius, if you need experimentation in order for a field to be a real science, then explain how astronomy is a science.
it should be a sub field of sociology instead of science.
Sociology isn’t called social sciences, though arguably you could call it that.
I think sociology is part of a field called “The Social Sciences” which includes sociology, psychology, polisci etc.
that more broadly would make sense to me. But i still wouldn’t consider polsci to be polsci, i would consider it to be a sub set of sociology.
It’s all kind of a subset of sociology. Why do groups make decisions? It’s down to individual psychology. But that’s similar to saying all science is derivative of physics. It’s technically true, but it does us more favors to split it up.
i think calling it “political sciences” is probably reasonably accurate.
But yeah. Naming is just hard.
It’s mainly called social science in my country.
Yea computer “science”? Bitch you mean programming?
Yeah, polisci has gotten as far as the “observation” part of science and kinda has to stop there for moral reasons.
Same with Astronomy.
Sure, physicists can just keep track of about 5% of the universe’s mass. That’s their whole job, and they just got 5%!? Are they stupid??
Who are you to complain Brenda?! The only thing you keep track of is the amount of Oreos you have in the pantry
5% of the universe is still several trillions of tons of mass! Although I suppose a good part of that is your fat ass!
Several trillion tons of mass? I think you’re off by many orders of magnitude.
You’re right.
Earth itself weighs about 7 sextillion tons.
Sextillion in the short scale being to the 24th power while trillions being only 12th power.
Thanks for the correction. I was blinded by my hatred for Brenda. I was sure I was off by a lot but I couldn’t bother looking it up at the time
To be fair, political scientists probably don’t know where 95% of the politics is hidden either.
Trick question, all politics is local.
As someone who spontaneously decided to study history / political science instead of physics, although I have been preparing to be a physicist the entire time, I can proudly say: At least I am happy. I spend most of my time doing fun and fulfilling things, instead of showing up at uni at 8 in the morning and arriving home at 8 in the evening just to work on homework. All my friends went into mint and they are stressed, don’t have time to do anything and just seem the worst i have ever seen them.
Science politics.