To be fair, men would get near the same response. “Stupid bitch slut Ken”. The hate is the same, only the names change. The internet is a hateful place with a multitude of people willing to step up and shit on you for expressing any sort of individuality or emotion.
To be fair, men would get near the same response. “Stupid bitch slut Ken”. The hate is the same, only the names change. The internet is a hateful place with a multitude of people willing to step up and shit on you for expressing any sort of individuality or emotion.
Men would get that response from whom?
Strawmen. Very dangerous creatures.
Your preconceived notions are part of the problem.
does it matter? in an unrelated but topical example is the patriarchy acceptable when it is upheld by women against other women?
also from everyone the answer is from everyone.
The internet. It’s a hateful place if you haven’t noticed.
to be fair