For example, I have kept the habit of washing my hands with soap, first thing when I come home.
Working from Home is a must, and spending quality time with the loved ones.
Climbing the corporate ladder isn’t my priority now anymore. I am more interested in work that pays for my hobbies and spending time with my loved ones.
Breaking with people who turn out completely insane.
Which actually might cover the entire human population. No, I mean the crazy Facebook uncle kind of insane. Life is so much more pleasant when you surround yourself with people who you love or at least tolerate.
Always wear a mask on transit. People are fucking disgusting lol.
Covering my cough or sneeze with my shirt collar.
Masking. Not really for hygiene reasons. As an introvert, it made me less shy. I feel naked going outside without one.
I do not still wear a mask, but I really loved having my face covered when I went places during covid. I just felt free. I don’t know why as I don’t have a problem going anywhere or doing anything normally, but covering my face felt good (except on 100 degree days in summer).
Same. I’m a socially anxious person, and it felt so much more private and comfortable for me to be masked.
I still mask when I’m sick or when traveling by plane tho.
I now have infinite patience with essential workers. When they get an order wrong, or they have a bad attitude, I let it go
I found it quite ironic how most of the essential workers get shit pay… Says a lot about our society I think.
They’re essential, but they’re also numerous. The barrier to entry for a lot of these jobs is “went to school for some time” - which means pretty much everyone is qualified.
Supply and demand.
Notice how when service staff were allowed back to work, a lot of them didn’t, and that drove up zone wages.
And to be clear - I am not advocating for below living wages, nor saying that people doing these jobs are unskilled. You can tell the good from the bad, and I think everyone should be paid at least a living wage.
Yeah I agree, I don’t think they should be the top earners. But a livable wage should be the minimum…
Not sure if a good habbit or just paranoia at this point, but I’m more concious what I touch outside and bring desinfectant to use when I touched too many (or one too frequently touched) things.
Also mask up when therebisntoo many people insiand respiratoty diseases are going strong.
I stopped chewing my fingernails. What a disgusting habit. Glad to be free of it.
Avoid touching door handles as much as possible. The best defense is to just never come into contact with germs in the first place.
i use the bottom of my shirt as a doorknob mitten
I am such a better cook than I would’ve been otherwise, due to necessity. But I also enjoy it, because usually what I will make is going to be far tastier (and healthier) than other options.
I got rid of all the snacks in my house, and have kept them out. I lost 25 pounds too. :)
I learned what without hired help and a mother that got incapacitated, a house can turn into a sloppy mess real quick.
Learned to cook real meals, do laundry, and give the house a good vacuum and mop.
Went from a 105kg manchild to a 93kg still-a-manchild. Who knew that controlling your own food and regular physical activity would make a potbelly shrink.
It surprised me too how much my parents did as my parents got older and needed more support. Cleaning and cooking was only the tip of the iceberg. They did so many little things for everyone, I still don’t understand how they had the time to do that, raise kids, and work.
Holding my breath when walking next to other people. I get sick less.
My wife bought a weight set a few years ago. I started using it during the lockdowns and have kept up with it ever since.
Is there something good in keeping people locked in their homes?
I have improved my abilities to distinguish between good and evil, between who the real enemy is and learned how to navigate through a life full of compliant persons who don’t understand what they comply to!
I personally learned a lot!
Oh and I ditched a lot of “compliant friends” too…
Hope we have learned something useful for the “Next plandemic”! 😉
Is there something good in keeping people locked in their homes?
Yes, that’s why we did it.
Removed by mod
The question is whether the lockdowns had any benefits.
Pointing out the downsides doesn’t really respond to that.
Appropo of nothing… I’m slightly amused at the advise against parroting in a reply that says “Do your own research”
People were stressed, but it also prevented them from fucking dying, so I would say worth it. Also, you really missed the point of OP’s post. This is thread is supposed to be filled with positive stuff. Everyone already knows the pandemic sucked.
Huh I wonder if covid also causes any sort of mental health disorders. Wonder if it causes any health disorders. Wonder if it causes any death disorders.
interesting strategy…
Any other opinions other than those “allowed” are to be removed?
Good luck with the lives you choose!
Your method of wrapping deadly “opinions” in a bubbly facade should get you rejected from every public forum.
I’m glad that it is not you the one who decides where I am allowed to express my opinions.