I’ve gone on medication that makes drinking kind of problematic, but I really love beer of all kinds, IPAs, sours, etc. I like flavorful and varied beers. I’d like to try some interesting non-alcoholic options. What is your favorite non-alcoholic beer?
I read this twice and have no idea what you said.
ESB means “extra special bitter,” which is a beer style
One that BJCP judges need to know. They also need to know a variety of stouts. BJCP stands for beer judge certification program.
And cicerone is like sommelier.
Sommelier is like wine expert but certified.
Idk about wine, but cicerone has three levels.
Level 1 is trivial and about glassware and cleanliness and beer style general knowledge.
Level 2 is a bit more intense (identifying specific problems with a slightly imperfect beer)
Level 3, to me, is wizardry. It’s like mouth-brain-beer turning completeness. Basically.
Thanks! This helps. I really wish they made a decent non-alcoholic beer. I don’t drink alcohol by choice, but I love the taste of beer.
I tried a few non-alcoholic things that are local, but they are all pretty water downed tasting.