Cats ARE stinky, though… the litter box is in your house
There’s also just a certain…musk? It’s immediately noticeable when you enter someone’s house and they have a cat. I feel like the residents must get nose blind to it because they don’t believe me when I tell them, but there is definitely a certain cat smell that just gets everywhere.
I think it’s cat pheromones which they use to indicate wheter the place is safe. people claim you can’t smell it but I can definetly smell it
Mainly depends on the flat size and how often ppl clean. At my parents place you notice the cat smell only in her room… You can guess the size of that place, as the cat has it’s own “40 m^2 apartment” to sleep.
If you are in a small place and the cat always lies in the same corners is clear that they smell without washing. It’s like wearing the same hoody for months without washing.
My wife and I get two cats tomorrow for our 60m^2 flat. Let’s see how that pans out.
its the shit in the litterbox. or the cat just farted
There’s no avoiding cleaning shit
My cat mostly shit outside for like 13 years and only started going in litter box when he got old or was trapped inside
it was nice while it lasted
Good luck cleaning a baby’s ass with a litter scoop
Yeah, cat poop smells way worse than baby poop.
Exactly, which is why I always preferred to keep amphibians as pets. No smell at all. And mammals all stink.
And they spreading their musk is like part of their definition as a cat.
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Who the hell would throw off a baby from a 20 stroy building?
The max I’ve tried was 3 and that was already pushing it, only worked due to the long grass below.
It’s the efficient thing to do when you’re taking care of the bath water and live on the 20 stroy building. You know the saying, “If you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, you’ll need to take an extra trip to the window.”
And if you’re wondering why we don’t just use the drain, babies don’t fit down most drains. Try having a kid for a bit and you’ll see!
The worst part about babies is their full set of adult teeth.
My cats straight up have the world’s nastiest farts
What are you feeding them?
Broccoli and lutefisk, why do you ask?
Because the two are related
Crying babies sound like cats being tortured.
Stinky ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
My cat is stinky as shit. I still love him though
Smelly cat
WHAT are they FEEDING you!?
(/) brings you killed mice (x)
WTF kind of evil demon spawn baby is that lol
Pussy always wins
Well someone must’ve been playing with a pussy to make that baby. I have no explanation for its full set of adult teeth though.
vagina dentata?
My cat farts on me.
Babies, not even omce
Idk if there have been enough case studies to draw any conclusions on the third point with a reasonable degree of certainty.
Get me clip board, I’m heading to the NICU.