I always thought Labradoodles are just a meme Oo
I always thought Labradoodles are just a meme Oo
Cool, another service I didn’t know I definitely need
Unfortunately I can’t check that, because oats cause my intestines to go postal
Holi crap. I’m turning 39 next month and family planning is still in progress. I hope my kids will be as happy with me one day.
Maybe he stole it? Or a crewman
I can only guess what the second symbol in the lower row is. And I’m quiet happy about now actually knowing xD
Sounds promising. Thanks
Thanks for the info. I’m currently in a rather temperate place, so we are lucky if we see snow in winter. Do you use the space heater just for your own comfort or is it relevant for the printer? At some point I need to look into all the different printing materials.
A kind of related question, which bugged me for a while: what are the environmental temperature limits for a typical printer? Is it a viable option to keep it in the basement or garage? I’m wondering, because that would mitigate the noise, vibration and fumes issue.
“Do the Bender! Do the Bender!” *Sing :)
Everything shines, everything reflects…
I guess, the ones who make up BS for Internet points
Thanks, I was already thinking how the balls stay in place on a ship
Oh, I almost fell from the couch, laughing from this thread. The last version looks a bit like some contraception method
Still the path of least resistance
There is actually a very good technique for it, but I keep forgetting it, or messing it up
https://github.com/ncarlier/readflow/ together with https://github.com/ncarlier/feedpushr