Well, good news is if you make it back you got pretty good chances. Benny was a freak
Til you get there and find out a time traveler from further in the future already came back to before you arrived so Franklin turns you down because he’s already done someone who hadn’t been born yet and it’s not exciting anymore.
Luckily for them, Franklin is one of the few who would go after the older person in this equation. The man loved his GILFs.
Benjamin Franklin time traveler netorare.
That’s enough internet for this morning.
Forrealskies. He had a lot of fun in France, even up to being an old!
I remember when my dad found that out… he was an admirer/fan of Franklin’s.
It was amusing
Like someone else mentioned, Ben was eager to bone all the ladies. But do your research because I believe he spent years in France boinking many women. You wouldn’t want to time travel to 18th century new England, and then have to take a ship to France.
Get a cure for syphilis first
I sincerely wonder how the proportion of good to terrible lays has changed over the years. Without having taken anatomy, I would have had an extremely rough time of it as a teen, so I imagine first times have generally improved since the 1800s. Feelings on consent and purpose have shifted massively since then as well.
Would hundo Benny care at all about the enjoyment of his partner or is he going in dry and blasting in seconds?
Didnt Ben Franklin have a basement filled with bones because of a dissection school he ran? I don’t know that it would have helped his performance in bed but the man definitely had some anatomy lessons along the way.
The man had firsthand experience with live women as well. Enough to question whether he contracted syphilis, in the very least.
don’t think education level is correlated to sexual performance. in fact it’s likely the opposite. would you rather spend the night sexually with a PhD or someone who didn’t graduate high school?
There are diminishing returns, however, knowing that the glans/clitoris exists leaves you a world apart from someone who doesn’t. The gulf between a partner who knows how to operate the glans or clitoris and someone who doesn’t is just as vast. Taking information for granted is for sillies.
Your examples aren’t directly relevant, but graduating with a PhD usually requires 18+ years post-birth so I’m picking the one least likely to be illegal. Gimme that neurotic lay. Whisper non-Newtonian fluid dynamics softly so that only I can hear.
If you were successful then that means it already happened anyway and nothing will really change, or if you were unsuccessful that also means nothing would really change. I fail to see why anyone would bother trying to stop this
I’d rather
meetsexually pursue Nikola TeslaNikola preferred pigeons. Do feathers count as a furry?
In other news Ben Franklin steals time machine hits all the best parties throughout time.
But you’re not going back to alter history? Get some, homie.
If they get married it might be altar history
brother, I am history
Are you suggesting Ben Franklin already fucked a time traveler?