Maybe. The EU commission may not care what the moldy tangerine thinks.
Maybe. The EU commission may not care what the moldy tangerine thinks.
My father use to send me into the voting booth with my mother to make sure she “remembered” who to vote for…no election officials ever stopped me from going in there and I was too young to understand that I was a spy. My father’s not violent but I’m sure I wasn’t the only child spy being used by men who were.
Refried beans, rice, sirachcha, and too much mayo. Sometimes I eat it with bread like a sad sack sandwich.
Was that cause of the cost? Didnt Elon come out claiming lidar was a “crutch” or something?
Asheville is in the mountains, one of the reasons it was such a big story is that no one expected Asheville to flood. I’m not surprised almost no one up there has flood insurance.
Isn’t it actually a precision driving technique to break with your left foot? Or isnthat just something I accidentally made up in my head?
That’s not even a swastika it’s a 45. It just really feels like it’s a swastika when you see the fanta fascist.
I understood it as the defense attorneys of the other 50 men being charged. They don’t all have the same attorney.
Nanowrimo is already in flames because of last years ‘groomer mod’ scandal. Why would they choose now to weigh in on such a controversial topic rather than working on filling all the staff vacancies, rebuilding trust in their community, and developing new volunteers to replace all the ones they fired and ghosted? All they’ve got to do here is keep their mouths shut and rebuild the damn organization and they can’t even do that…
If you think the 19 year old having sex repeadly with a 13 year old is a “non rapist” then that says a lot about you and none of it good.
What point am I misunderstanding? You claimed double jeopardy applies. It does not. Not representing your country in the Olympics does not count as an official punishment for the same act.
That’s not how double Double Jeopardy works (Netherlands also has a different name for it). It prevents you from being tried twice for a crime for which you’ve been acquitted/convicted. It does not prevent a country from refusing to have you represent them on the world stage.
I thought he was working on a scene and not “goofing around” when the incident occurred. Was he actually just playing with the “prop” gun?
Episode 31 of the Data Over Dogma podcast covers some of the issues with the “10” commandment. If you haven’t checked them out you may be interested.
Edit: sorry I should have double checked the spelling, it’s fixed now!
but communities know each other and are less likely to see different constituent groups as “outsiders”
Tell that to every gay kid who grew up in a small rural Christian town…
form their own peacekeepers
So you expect every marginalized group to have their own personal cops? What about cross-sectional minorities. I don’t know how this works in your head but whatever you’re trying to say here is not translating well.
Except she didn’t, she gave his name to the cops as a potential suspect under intense questioning. I’m not sure how you can justify that being slander.
Not maybe, yes. Thats what it means. “Water ditching” is a common colloquial name for an “emergency water landing” which is a type of emergency landing. A plane doing a nose dive straight into the water is not an emergency landing. That’s just a run of the mill crash.
The US forest service says it’s 90% but I’m not sure where they get that number from either.
Does it technically even need dirt? It looks like there’s some loose debris in there and plenty of plants can be grown hydroponically.
There’s a panel from the Animaniacs comic where Wakko states that his gender is “other”. It floats around the internet ever few years. The comic was, I believe, back in the 90s so I’m not sure I’d say “now”. They have always used the term “brother” and he/him pronouns for Wakko though.
Seriously the number of people on here complaining about Windows bloat. I’m not even 100% sure what the hell that’s supposed to mean. I’m a normie and my windows runs fine.